Patch sur Blight du 09/07/2015 (Delta 276)
Ce petit patch contient des correctifs et des ajustements mais aussi une nouveauté intéressante: les Boons, bloqués au Tier 3 jusqu'à présent, sont étendus au Tier 5 ce qui permettra aux plus exigeants de grappiller quelques points de skills supplémentaires et aux autres d'améliorer un équipement basique à moindre coût:
- FIX spelling in ability descriptions from addtional to additional.
- Small patch of Viridian Azulyte spawns along western edge of Lesser Aradoth Deadlands. There is a nearby crystal shaper that can be accessed.
- Update to Emblems: Grave-Digger gives +2 (delay adjusted) against Undead, Relic Hunter gives +5 (delay adjusted) against Undead, Relic Protector gives +10 (delay adjusted) against Undead, Wolf Hunter gives +3 (delay adjusted) against Animals.
- Loricatus Beetle: Gritus Maximus spawns again on Kion beaches.
- Geleon’s Master Scroll Replica will now consume itself when used (thus allowing you to use the scroll).
- Ethien the Tempered will allow you to forget (erase) Tinkerer school.
- Focus of Spirit will now teleport you to just outside of lair entrance (Council Elders), instead inside of lair.
- Crafting Boons are now available in Tier 4 & 5. Tier 4 is known as Benefit, Tier 5 is known as Benevolence. Benefit gives +8 and Benevolence gives +10. Exception is Mining Benefit which gives +12 and Mining Benevolence which gives +15.
- Quest: 'South March: The Essence of Research' is now available to dragons. Purified orbs do not need to be crafted by player and can be obtained from other players.
- Abandoned Isle resource nodes has been adjusted on eastern side of isle. Relevant resources now spawn near the relevant Imperial buildings.
- You can now 'forget' (erase) enchanter, gatherer and miner schools from Ethian in Dalimond (Forget Schools quest).
Source :
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