Live patch du 12/11/2024: Tempered by Battle
Les Delta 317 à 317.3 ont été appliquées aux serveurs réguliers. Cette suite directe à Back to The Battlefield apporte peu de nouveau contenu mais surtout une grande quantité d'ajustements au niveau du combat. De nombreuses compétences des écoles d'aventure ont été modifiées, notamment pour être ré-utilisables plus rapidement, et d'autres ont scindées en plusieurs versions pour mieux couvrir la progression sur l'ensemble des niveaux. Peu de nouveau contenu, mais trois monstres épiques ont été modifiés pour leur offrir quelques mécaniques supplémentaires, même s'il ne s'agit que de retouches et pas d'un changement complet. Les formules pour les sets d'armures sont apparus pour permettre d’alléger le livre de connaissances. Et comme toujours, une liste bien chargée de correctifs et d'ajustements en tous genres.
- Combat Overhaul Follow-up
- Lesser Epic Revamps
- Expansion of the Outfits & Suits system
- Clarification of Enchanter/EnchantingCombat Overhaul Follow-up
Back in January of this year we released the Combat Overhaul update: Back to the Battlefield. This update changed up a lot of core concepts for combat within Istaria as well as opened some new doors like Critical Hits & Heals. A benefit of redoing the combat system is that it has made it a lot easier to run numbers and find under (or over) performing abilities and spells, this update focuses mainly on touching up on class abilities that were in need of some TLC post-overhaul.
- Icy Shards now has an effect and will give a Chilled debuff on a hit
- Learns Icy Shards II through X starting at level 14
Warrior- Now correctly gains 25 health per level.
Battle Mage- Now receives Fiery Judge at level 5, 25, 45, 65 and 85.
- Fiery Judge now recycles every 30s (down from 60s), counts as a magical attack (it will use power, though it still uses the skill of the weapon you have equipped) and will give the Burned debuff on a hit.
Berserker- Mangle now recycles every 30s (down from 60s) and has no accuracy penalty.
- Mangled no longer modifies strength and dexterity, but instead reduces evasion and outgoing non-spell melee anged damage by 25%.
- Tearing Blades now has a 20% chance (up from 5%) to apply Lacerations on a hit.
- Wild Swing now recycles every 30s (down from 40s) and is received every 12 levels starting at level 2 (previously started at 20). Wild Swing 9 is now available at level 98.
- Wild Swing IV and V are now masterable due to the above level changes.
Conjurer- Fireflies I through IV are now masterable.
- Fireflies now recycles every 15s (down from 120s), has a 2s casting time (was a 3.6s cooldown) and inflicts a little damage up front. The debuff will no longer conflict with other DoTs, only other instances of itself, has a 24s duration (was 63s) and a 4s tick (was 9s).
- Flame and Ice Element buffs have had their timer removed and will now remain until consumed.
- Flame and Ice Element abilities now have a 30s recycle (down from 180s) and a 3.5s casting time (rather than a 3.5s cooldown).
- Glaring Quills, Dancing Rapier, Infix Fury, and Ice Barrier now have a 1s casting time and the 3.5s cooldown has been removed.
- Phoenix Rising now has a 2.0s casting time (the 4.0 second cooldown has been removed).
Druid- Aura of the Mongoose III is now obtained by Druid at level 88 (was 78).
- Aura of the Mongoose now boosts evasion (was dexterity) by 25, 45, and 65.
- Aura of the Bear now boosts physical resistance (was strength) by 30, 50, and 70 (by tier).
- Nature's Fury:
*Is now learned at levels 11, 31, 51, 71, & 91 Druid.
*Now recycles every 30s (down from 60s).
*Provides the "Emboldened by Nature" buff for one minute, which improves the user's Magical attack damage by +12%.
*Provides the "Nature's Fury" buff to any friendly player within 15m for one minute, causing all Martial attacks to do additional Nature Damage (15, 35, 60, 90, and 125). This buff stacks with Guardian's Nature's Wrath.
Guardian- Nature's Adjudication now recycles every 30 seconds, consistently increases incoming nature damage by 10% (for all tiers), and also causes a 30s Nature DoT that inflicts 25/50/75/100 damage per tick.
- Stone Hammer now recycles every 30s (down from 60s) and is received every 10 levels starting at level 6 (previously started at 18).
- Nature's Wrath:
*Learned at levels 11, 31, 51, 71, & 91 Guardian.
*Recycles every 30s.
*Provides the "Emboldened by Nature" buff for one minute, which improves the user's Martial attack damage by +12%.
*Provides the "Nature's Wrath" buff to any friendly player within 15m for one minute, causing all Martial attacks to do additional Nature Damage (15, 35, 60, 90, and 125). This buff stacks with Druid's Nature's Fury.
Healer- Illustrious Stand no longer modifies the accuracy of undead attackers, but instead reduces incoming damage from undead attackers by 10 to 25%.
Ice Disciple- Ice Armor I and Group Ice Armor I are now masterable.
- Ice Armor and Group Ice Armor buffs will now stack with other armor or ethereal resistance buffs, but not with each other.
- Ice Armor will no longer occupy a gift slot while active.
- Freezing Touch I is now received at level 14 (was 20). Frozen debuffs now reduce Magical and Martial Alacrity on the target.
- Numbing Cold is now known as Numbing Fog and recycles every 60s (down from 90s), its debuff, Numbed, now reduces Martial and Magical Alacrity.
Knight of Creation- Banish Armor will now recycle every 120s (down from 180s) and its debuff, Banished Armor, will no longer have a timer (it will simply expire after 10 hits).
- Brandish now recycles every 60s (down from 90s). Brandish, buff, no longer breaks after a hit and lasts 20s (up from 5s), as well as increased the taunt damage with each tier.
Paladin- Life's Blessing now ticks every 5 seconds (down from 20s).
Ranger- Thorn Shot now has a 100% chance to hit the target with a bleed instead of a root.
Reaver- Soul Scarification will now increase incoming ethereal damage by 10 to 20% and will vary in duration from 30s to 45s.
- Ethereal Blade I and II now recycle every 90s (down from 120s).
- Group Ethereal Blade will now work for 5 uses (was 1).
Shaman- Curse of Enfeeblement now recycles every 60s (down from 120s), has a 2s casting time (rather than a 2s cooldown) and a range of 15m (was 0m). Its debuff now reduces dexterity and focus by 150, 235, 315 and 395 (rather than 30, 40, 45, and 50). Debuff will no longer conflict with any others, except itself.
Sorcerer- Group Power Aura is now known as Aura of Power
- Aura of Power I now boosts the spell damage of those who gain the aura's effect by 5%.
- Aura of Power II, gained by Sorcerer at level 98, boosts spell damage by 10%.
- Now gains Mystify I at level 35 (previously ability, Mystify, is now known as Mystify II). Mystify recycles every 60s (down from 120s).
- Mystify (debuff) is now known as Mystified, reduces the target's Magical and Martial Alacrity instead of Dexterity, Focus and Speed, and lasts for 45s (up from 30s).
Spiritist- Soul Link now recycles every 15s (down from 45s).
- Lowered the tick rate of Linked from 6s to 4s, its duration to 40s, and set the damage so that it is not mitigated by armor.
- Stinger now consistently recycles every 30s (from 60s), is now received at school levels 8 to 88 (was 8, 30 to 90), receives greater damage on the initial hit, counts as a ranged magical attack and its debuff, Stung, will now do 50% more damage.
- Stinger will now do 10% more damage in Focused stance (rather than Offensive).
Wizard- Now gains Studious and Erudite, passive abilities that reduce spell recycle by 20% and 30% respectively, at level 66 and 96.
- Gather is now known as Minor Gather.
- Now gains Major Gather and Superior Gather at level 62 and 92 respectively.
- Energy Burst now recycles every 30s (down from 120s) and applies to all group members within 15 meters.
- Enhanced Energy Bolt is now known as Energy Blast, has a casting time of 2.25s (was a cooldown of 4s), greater damage, gives a debuff named Jolted on a hit, and is received starting at Wizard level 3.
- Beam of Pure Energy now has a casting time of 3 seconds (rather than a 3 second cooldown), will now hit the target with the debuff, Jolted, and the damage has been increased:
*I does 70-80 damage (up from 32-36).
*II does 120-150 damage (up from 51-57).
*III does 170-220 damage (up from 70-78).
*IV does 220-290 damage (up from 89-99).
Additional Changes & Fixes- Rupture, a spell technique that works for primal spells\damage similar to Cinder, is now available for purchase (tiers 1 through 4) and loot (tier 5) and Techatron.
- Lessen spells will now recycle every 60s (down from 300s).
- Soul Shield and Soul Elusiveness will now stack with each other (but will still conflict with other versions of themselves).
- Armor Sockets can now be applied to chest armor.
- Cleave will now have a 6m AoE radius from the target.
- Fireball (all tiers) now has a casting time of 1.5s (down from 2.5s), has been given a 20% increase in damage, and the variance between the min and max damage values has been reduced.
- Defense: Block can now be applied to wing scales.
- The buff from Hero's Resolve has been split into two to clarify how the buff functions:
*The Damage & Accuracy affects all attacks.
*The bonus attacks only occur on non-special attacks.
*Disclaimer: this is not a change in the functionality of the buff, as due to a technical issue on live extra hits did not process on special attacks since the creation of the buff.
Lesser Epic RevampNot only the player side of things has been impacted by the combat overhaul, some of the Lesser Epics, too, have had some time under the knife to make their encounters more unique and enforce each their own identity.
Related Changes
- The Avatar of Pain has had enough being a pushover to the gifted, and so has been empowered with a rework in his abilities and fight mechanics and should now prove to be a stronger challenge to those brave to face him..
- Gruk the Frigid has had a rework to his abilities and mechanics to give a fresh challenge to those who encounter him.
- Daknor the Berserk has distilled his rage to perfect his fighting form, receiving a touched up set of abilities and mechanics as well, gifted who cross blades with him should prepare for the full brunt of his fury.Outfits & Suits Galore
Rewinding further back to August 2021, we saw the release of the Gifted Beginnings update, in this update we unveiled a new system known as "Suits & Outfits", these were armor formulas that contained each piece of an armor set for that specific tier, severely cutting down on the amount of formulas needed in one's knowledge book at a higher coin cost. Back then we only introduced the suits/outfits to Tier 1 as we awaited feedback. As the system was well received we have now expanded it to every tier!
Related Changes
- Formulas for Tier 2 through to T4 Outfits and Suits have been added to the following NPCs:
*Tier 2 Cloth and Hide/Leather Outfits - Sela Verin, Ella Verin
*Tier 3 & Tier 4 Cloth and Hide/Leather Outfits - Ciowiel, Frida Deslo, Khania, Kimmer Furbargle, Anni Nimblethread, Darielem, Kriegan, Sibbe Jaddvor
*Tier 2 Cargo Suit - Gangaf Tagley
*Tier 3 & Tier 4 Cargo Suits - Harhaziel, Kharae, Lagertha Ubbe, Versanto
*Tier 2 Metal Suits - Barton Taylor
*Tier 3 & Tier 4 Metal Suits - Alba Tulius, Balto Telblanter, Philemon, Tahtoom Frumja
- Tier 5 Outfit and Suit formulas are included as a monster drop alongside other expert formulas, they are also available from the Formulatron boxes purchased with coin.
Enchanting/Enchanter clarificationEnchanter and the Enchanting skill, one of Istaria's great conundrums. While Enchanter does gain Enchanting, it being a builder school means it isn't actually a source of experience for the school. This situation has caused many a confused new player and we have decided to touch up the situation in the hopes that it will be clearer from now on.
Related Changes
- The skill known as Enchanting, gained by both Alchemist and Enchanter, is now known as Alteration to fit its associated tool: the Alteration Wand
- The formulas previously known as Essence Orb Enchantment are now known as Essence Orb Alteration.
- The skill known as Essence Structuring, gained only by Enchanter, is now known as Enchanting.
- Essence Structurer tools, as well as the associated formulas, are now known as Enchanting Focus.Content
New Content & Quests
- Blight Bolt and Improved Blight Bolt spells are now available on vendors and loot tables.
- A new ceremonial item, the Ceremonial Cape, is now available from the Imperial Outpost, several changes were made to the existing ceremonial system in tandem with this:
*Commander Jatel now hands out Imperial Ceremonial Tokens for completing the quest "Imperial Army: Protect Harro from a New Menace" instead of the Ceremonial items.
*Clodomir the Master of Ceremonies will take Imperial Ceremonial Tokens as currency for Ceremonial items, including the new Ceremonial Cape!
*Quartermaster Frig Tallowgar now offers the quest "Antiquated: Ceremonial Shield to Token Exchange", but no longer offers the quest "Antiquated: Ceremonial Shield to Scale Exchange".
- Two new blighted techniques have been created to discover.
*Spellbreaker - Weapon tech that has a chance to dispel on martial attacks
*Enchantment Purifier - Weapon tech that has a chance to dispel on magical attacks
- Vargas the Bold now sells two new epic formulas:
*Epic Armor: Cape of Reklar's Visage increases outgoing spell damage by 1.25x and boosts Flame, Energy, Ice and Mind skills.
*Epic Armor: Cape of Reklar's Wings increases outgoing spell damage by 1.25x, and boosts Blight, Nature, Spirit and Life skills.
Additional Changes & Fixes
- Reduced the wait timer in the biped version of quest "Research: Verdean Core Chunk" from 60s to 5s.
- Added a 5s wait timer in the dragon version of quest "Research: Verdean Core Chunk" while Gerix investigates the Golem Core.
- Quest "Research: Verdean Core Chunk" will now award dragons some coin (like the biped version of the quest).
- Fixed directions in quest "Rangers in Danger: The Relic of Merrasat".
- Quest "(Daily) Delivery for Felessi" now awards Enat's Shell of The Arcanist I augmentation instead of obsolete Flame Resistance I augmentation upon completion.
- Quest "(Daily) Kion Militia: Kill Sergeant Khar" will now use player responses.
- Quest "Defense of Sslanis: Giant Loricatus Beetle Stomp" now refers to The Lakes of Crystal Tears instead of Crystal Lakes.
- Quest "The Perfect Rose Quartz Shard" now properly mentions the Tower of Clerics instead of the Cleric's Tower.
- Withered Guards and Ritual Apprentices will now count for quest "(Hourly) City Under Siege".
- Quest "Alis' Squirrel Stew" no longer requires you to have level 20 in your current trade school to pick it up.
- In quest "Gaileach: The Myloc Colony (Part 2)", the item in the Birthing Chamber is easier to find now.
- Quest "Iron Guard: Kalevala's Bounty" now directs you to the Captain of the Iron Guard instead of "an officer".
- Quest "Ranger: Envenomed Arrow I" now refers to the Deep Forest and its dense forests and spider nests as Blightbite's location.
- Crafting Superior Antidotes will now count towards progress in the quest: "Earn Title: Antidote Expert".
- Sshranu has remembered how to speak as a Sslik in the quest "ARoP18 - Ritual of Journey: Enter Akhanis".
- Improved the directions to find Sage in quest "Sshranu's Pet Project"
- Fixed step visibility issues in quest "Gold Rage: The Challenge (Conclusion)".
- Quest "Dragon's Gift IV: Kill the Topaz King" now properly refers to south every time the direction of the Topaz Golems is mentioned.
- Quest "Draak Attunement: Semeneth's Task" now requires an adventure rating of 30 and gives an XP award.
- Fixed quest "Draak Attunement: Semeneth's Task" to properly show the "Speak to Brysmendrik" step as well as the first "Speak with Semeneth" step.
- Fixed directions for the Young Coastal Ruxus in quest "Primal Mastery II: Bailout Lisandia".
- Tsraari's Spirit Form Aura Effect no longer fails if Turoth's Aura of Flame effect is already on player.
- In quest "Biggletorque: Chests in the Deep", the Odd-Shaped Key doesn't require the Open Chest augmentation anymore, but will only work if the player stands within 3m from the chest.
- Final step of quest "The Perfect Rose Quartz Shard" will now remind you to speak with Gangaf.
- In quest "Biggletorque: The Frozen Tower", the Strange-Looking Key will now only work next to the chest in the Frozen Tower.
- Added extra steps in quest "Wrapped in Despair (Part 1)" to find the spot to destroy the Essence of Nazderon easier.
- Burris will now offer "Go Bag 5 Greater Fire Elemental Materia" again after turning in five trophies.
- Updated directions in the ‘Ancient Clothing' quest to better direct the player.
- Severant now properly refers to wolves instead of pustules in the quest for Drain Strike VI.
- Scorpion Slayer now correctly awards only Active: Scorpion Damage I, instead of both I and III.
- Enchanted Bronze Key (from "Rangers in Danger: The Temple of Merrasat") now directly opens the associated chest, instead of using damage.
- Quest "Dimensional Pocket IV: Deliver Spells for Jynasix" has been slightly revamped.
- Quest "The Plundered Tombs" now properly mentions Pleasant Canyon instead of Pleasant Valley and Tower of Clerics instead of Clerics' Tower.
- Removed useless constraint on the "Stay Here, It's Safe" augmentation used in quest "Source of Power: Astronomical Observations" that was preventing the player from receiving it.
- Doing more than one of the Universal Blighted Dye Kit quests at once could prevent them from working. They can now only be obtained one at a time.
- "Monk: The Journeyman's Trial" should now progress properly when any version of Flow Like Water is used.
- Quest "Fetch components for Avaraldo's Potion" will now let you loot up to 2 wings per beetle.
- Removed an offensive reference in quest "Dimensional Pocket VIII: Mithril Bullion" to persons of short stature.
- Updated "Become a Primal Master" quest chain to have chat links.
- Added quest "Speak with Dargor the Primal Researcher about General Reklar" to Grizelian as a connector to Dargor if the player doesn't have Primal Boon scribed already.
- Dargor the Primal Researcher now offers the quest "Learn how to fight General Reklar" to those who haven't learned Primal Boon. This replaces the blue link text he had before that offered it.
- In quest "The Guardian and the Crystalshaper", Aratanosh now properly asks for a Viridian Crystal of Korat's Shell instead of a Viridian Crystal of Korat.
- Quest "Fetch components for Avaraldo's Potion" now uses its own wing-membranes and not the ones gathered for the formula.
- Quest "Rare Foods: Basil the Rat" no longer requires you to have basil in your inventory, but does require you to be a minimum level 35 Confectioner.
- Quest "Rare Foods: Leaf Me Alone" no longer requires you to have bay leaves in your inventory, but does require you to be a minimum level 15 Confectioner.
- Quest "Rare Foods: Burnt Rice and Bitterroot" no longer requires you to have bitterroot in your inventory, but does require you to be a minimum level 95 Confectioner.
- Quest "Rare Foods: I Can't Believe It's Not Buttercap" no longer requires you to have buttercap in your inventory, but does require you to be a minimum level 95 Confectioner.
- Quest "Rare Foods: Fennel Tales" no longer requires you to have fennel in your inventory, but does require you to be a minimum level 55 Confectioner.
- Quest "Rare Foods: A Touch of Ginger" no longer requires you to have ginger in your inventory.
- Quest "Rare Foods: The Ginseng Files" no longer requires you to have ginseng in your inventory, but does require you to be a minimum level 35 Confectioner.
- Quest "Rare Foods: A Fist Full of Licorice" no longer requires you to have licorice in your inventory, but does require you to be a minimum level 15 Confectioner.
- Quest "Rare Foods: Snap Dragon" no longer requires you to have mandrake in your inventory, but does require you to be a minimum level 75 Confectioner.
- Quest "Rare Foods: Minty Goodness" no longer requires you to have mint in your inventory, but does require you to be a minimum level 75 Confectioner.
- Quest "Rare Foods: Music of the Nightshade" no longer requires you to have nightshade in your inventory, but does require you to be a minimum level 95 Confectioner.
- Quest "Rare Foods: Hatchling Cakes, Rosemary and Gruok" no longer requires you to have rosemary in your inventory, but does require you to be a minimum level 55 Confectioner.
- Quest "Rare Foods: Sage Advice" no longer requires you to have sage in your inventory.
- Quest "Rare Foods: Sprinkle Sprinkle Little Star" no longer requires you to have star anise in your inventory, but does require you to be a minimum level 95 Confectioner.
- Quest "Rare Foods: Everyone Must Get Stoneroot" no longer requires you to have stoneroot in your inventory, but does require you to be a minimum level 75 Confectioner.
- Quest "Rare Foods: Truffle Ahead" no longer requires you to have truffle in your inventory, but does require you to be a minimum level 75 Confectioner.
- Quest "Rare Foods: Dinner? Impossible!" is now repeatable once a day if you fail.
- Ahala's Sweet Tooth I will now work with Allambe at the Imperial Army Camp or in Feladan (if you have completed Feladan-in-Exile is no more).
- Updated the Holy Symbols quest chain to use the new style of dialogue responses, to use adventure rating instead of current level, and to work if the player is a member of a Life school (Cleric, Healer, or Paladin) even if it isn't the current school.
- T4 arena challenge quests will now grant XP.
- Any Brownback Outlier kill now counts in quest "Accurate Breath II: Focusing Your Breath Weapon".
- Quest "(Daily) Acquire Gudal's Sceptre of Command" will now grant XP
- Quest "Earn Title: Hooked on Fishin'" will no longer finish instantly.
- Quests "Earn Title: Apprentice Fisherman" and "Earn Title: Fisherman" won't complete themselves anymore when obtained.
- Updated the directions in quest: "Gold Rage II: Wintheria's Quest" to direct the player southeast of Slate Hills on Scorpion Island.
- Reduced the cost of Clerical Titles:
*Confessor 350 to 250
*High Confessor 1000 to 750
*Curate 3000 to 1500
*Lesser Prelate 5000 to 3000
*Higher Prelate 10000 to 6000
*Patriarch/Matriarch 30000 to 12000
- Quest "Medallion of the Storms" changes:
*Loot steps have been added after killing targeted monsters.
*Fixed directions for Ice Gnawer.
- Bounty Quests - These updates ensure that the quests use rating (instead of current level) and that the looted items also use requirements that match the quest rating:
*Bounty: Icefang's Head now requires an adventure rating of 60 instead of current adventure level.
*Icefang's Head, which is a looted item that gives the bounty quest, now requires an adventure rating of 60 to use.
*Icefang's Head is now properly classified as a tier 4 item and will warn on delete.
*Bounty: The Head of Atta-nuk now requires an adventure rating of 90 instead of current adventure level.
*Head of Atta-nuk, which is a looted item that gives the bounty quest, now requires an adventure rating of 90 to use.
*Iron Guard: Tochak's Bounty now requires an adventure rating of 100 instead of current adventure level.
*Tochak's Head, which is a looted item that gives the bounty quest, now requires an adventure rating of 100 to use.
*Iron Guard: Kalevala's Bounty now requires an adventure rating of 100 instead of current adventure level.
*Kalevala's Head, which is a looted item that gives the bounty quest, now requires an adventure rating of 100 to use.
*Calimir: Mani's Bounty (for non-rangers) now requires an adventure rating of 80 instead of current adventure level.
*Ranger: Mani's Bounty now requires an adventure rating of 80 and a ranger level of 1 instead of current adventure level.
- Quest "(Weekly) T4 Hero: Challenge Exalted Gudal" changes:
*The Quest can now spawn one instance of Exalted Gudal for a group of players. However, the Challenge Master has strict rules the whole group needs to follow thoroughly to make the quest advance properly!
*The quest now fails if Exalted Gudal isn't defeated within ten minutes as mentioned by the Challenge Master.
AdventureAdventure School & Ability Changes
- Combat Stance: Flame is now known as Combat Stance: Drulkar and works properly with all damaging breath attacks (not just flame-based breath attacks).
- Accurate Breath will now properly increase the accuracy of all damaging breath attacks, not just flame-based ones.
- Fire Storm will now cause more damage if the target is burned.
- Fireball III will now properly count as a magical attack.
- Unbridled Energy now does damage every time and the damage to self is not reduced by armor.
- Fireball V through X will now give Burned on a hit
- Corrected the description of Fiery Judge V.
- Instant Transfer IV now has a description.
- Rephrased how Blood Shield describes its protective barrier.
- Allocate Health will now overwrite lower tier versions of itself.
- Concentrate Blood will now overwrite lower tiers, but won't overwrite itself. Concentrated Blood (buff) will now stack with other health increases.
- Fiendish Channelling will no longer reflect damage amounts out of control.
- Charge and Satyr Charge will now require your speed attribute to be greater than 0 to be used.
- Ignored Pain (buff from Ignore Pain) is now known as Ignoring Pain.
- Hamstring and Slightly Hamstrung's description now make mention of how it also affects attack speed.
- Cloak of Thorns will no longer overwrite itself, will break on all types of attacks, and will now reflect versus special attacks. Reflected damage has increased considerably.
- Rend Armor abilities changes:
*Rended (Greater) augmentations will now only be applied in Focused stance as intended.
*Rended augmentations are no longer saved upon logout.
*Rended augmentations now only conflict with themselves.
Additional Changes & Fixes- Volcanic Anchor Pet now requires a rating of 85 (down from 100)
- Items, spells, and abilities that require specific skills or damage types alongside a unique attack type (like breath attacks) will now properly show this in the tooltip.
- Items, spells, and abilities that require specific skills now read "[Type] Skill" instead of just "[Type]" to better clarify the description.
- Corrected the markup display for the Magus/Glacius Crystals of Magic/Might.
- Damage Shields (like: Shield of [element] scrolls, Spiked Scales, Fiery Embrace, Molten Armor and more) will now do damage closer to their tooltip info.
- Fixed Weapon and Claw Tech Kit: Ezzar's Folly so the beneficial effect only works with Martial Attacks as intended.
- Fixed Covalence III debuff so it can work for ranged attacks.
- Cuadan's Armored Defense, Thurid's Arcane Barrier, Aelia's Mystical Barrier, and Akhanis' Ethereal Barrier now offer more resistance (values are now 15, 27, 42, 57 and 77 by tier which are up from 5, 10, 20, 40, and 60)
- Blood Bolt will now require a minimum rating instead of a current school level. However, it still requires you to currently be in Blood Mage to use it.
- The spell Thorns Embrace, and the associated formulas, are now known as Thorns' Embrace.
- The spell techniques Fog II and Fog III now properly inflict the Fog II and Fog III effect, rather than Covalence.
- Gift of Arcanist II now has a 2 hour duration.
- Corrected skill requirements to scribe for Enat's Shell of the Arcanist/Mystic, Eytelira's Screen of the Arcanist/Mystic, Gift of Arcanist, and Gift of Stargazer.
- Velocity Crystals now are only usable by Dragon schools.
- Updated the description of all the Refreshing Breeze and Tranquil Breeze buffs to better reflect their function.
- Casting delay on the Violet Damage Crystal of Spirit is now 1.0 (was 5.0).
- Give Ability Inspired Void is now known as Give Ability Inspire the Void.
- The "Does not affect special attacks" note on attack modifiers has been moved to the header bar, so that abilities may now read, as an example, "All Non-Special Attacks".
- Attack modifiers now properly show modifiers for increased or decreased arcane penetration, mystic penetration, and penetration.
- Desiccated Skin debuffs now fade when hit with special attacks.
- Mind Bolt and Improved Mind Bolt spells aren't restricted to Sorcerer school anymore.
- Updated the Absent-Minded augmentation description (from Ada Fruthak's Memento) to mention its damage ignores defenses.
- Knit Bones will once again show a preview.
- Temporary Root Resistance will now last 25s (up from 12s).
- Headbutt will no longer overwrite its moderate stun, causing targets to be stun-locked.
- Numbing Haze will now give a temporary immunity to mezzes when the timer expires and has better weighting across tiers (so that higher tiers will now properly overwrite lower tiers).
- Title Award Bonus: Health II now correctly gives +100 health (down from +150, the value of Health III).
- Tail Weapons such as the Tail AxE no longer repeat ‘Tail Whip' in their tooltip.
- Tail Mace I now properly only works on Tail Whip.
- Burning Hands (all tiers), Burning Sky, Combust, Primal Combust, and Crawling Blaze will now count as "flame spells" and work with Burned.
- Fiery Strike, Sear and Volcano now cause more damage if the target is burned.
- Broken daggers now boost Power (instead of Strength) and Focus (instead of Dexterity).
- Damage shield items now indicate if they require a specific damage type to trigger.
- Mystical Ward of Istara I through VI now properly work on all spells.
- Kaasha's Sigil tech kit will no longer conflict with other health mods.
- Enhance, Raise, Shield and Gift scrolls now have a recycle rate of 5s (down from 30s to 300s).
- Shield scroll buffs no longer have a timer since they also are ablative.
- Imbued Scales of the Breeze are now available to craft and use.
- Quint's Quickstep potion now boosts speed by +15 to +35 and uses rating rather than current level to determine if it can be consumed.
- Darkstaff's Armor Crystal Fragment now increases armor by a greater amount and also offers an evasion bonus.
- Gift of the Arcanist and Stargazer no longer conflict and have had their stats adjusted:
*Arcanist: Energy, Flame, Ice, Mind, Summoning, Primal.
*Stargazer: Blight, Augmentation, Life, Nature, Spirit.
- Ada Fruthak's Memento changes:
*Absent-Minded now deals more damage.
*Absent-Minded duration has been increased.
- Magi of Dissolving changes:
*The chance to process the effect has been slightly raised.
*Acidic Touch now deals more damage. Its description also mentions that this DoT ignores armor.
- With Nature and Blight returning to Mystical, and Mind classified as Arcane once more, some Arcane Resistances/Wards and Mystical Resistances/Wards have been swapped:
*Changed Arcane Resistance to Mystical Resistance:
.Ruined debuffs from Ruin abilities.
.Touch of the Forest buff from the Forest Skulk Ally
.Intoxicating Aroma debuff from The Bromeliad of Tazoon crystal.
.Bastion of The Druidic Order
.Embraced by Thorns debuffs from Thorn's Embrace spells.
.Gift of the Forest from the Cedar Treantwood Totem.
.Antiquated Ceremonial Chest Scale.
.Ceremonial Chest Scale.
.Ceremonial Tower Shield.
.Antiquated Ceremonial Tower Shield.
.Armor and Scale Tech Kit: Crest of the Blackhammer Clan.
*Changed Mystical Resistance to Arcane Resistance:
.Spell: Fog techniques.
.Hallucinating debuffs from Hallucination spells.
*Changed Arcane Ward to Mystical Ward:
.Saris Life Stone.
*Balit's Signet Ring/Balit's Signet Stone: added +40 Mystical Resistance.
CraftSchool Changes
- Miner's Bounty and Gatherer's Bounty abilities now grant a slight chance increase to get bonus resources.
- Jahaim the Weaponsmith no longer speaks about starting at level 10.
- Weaponsmith and Fletcher trainers changes:
*Tier I to Tier IV Weaponsmith trainers now have all metal weapons formulas of their tier.
*Tier I to Tier IV Fletchers trainers now have all wooden weapons formulas of their tier.
*Removed wooden weapons formulas from Weaponsmith trainers.
- Gatherer trainers changes:
*Gatherer trainers no longer sell Blighted Cut Gem Cleansing, Blighted Metal Bar Cleansing and Blighted Stone Brick Cleansing formula. These can be purchased at Miner trainers.
*All Gatherer trainers now sell Blighted Essence Orb Cleansing, Blighted Fabric Spool Cleansing and Blighted Wood Board and Bark Cleansing formulas of their respective tier.
Plots- Player structures that contain vendors now show tier in Structure Selection window, for clarity. Their descriptions have been updated to include the tier as well.
- Crate of Gems plot items are no longer considered Trees, and instead Garden Accessories.
- Tree Stump and Tree Stump, Mossy are now categorized as Trees in the plot planning window (rather than Garden Accessories).
- Removed "Lair Sign - Helian copy 1" from list of available lair items.
- Removed "Lair Mural - Keeper copy 1" from list of available lair items.
- Fixed player plot structure outlines:
*Tazoon Planter
*Sandstone Walkways
*Sslik Walkways
*Stone Walkways
*Tile Flooring Blue
*Tile Flooring Grey
*Tile Flooring Red
*Tile Flooring Tan
*Stone Floorings
Additional Changes & Fixes- Mt. Orian Bottle Cap Collection in formula "Bottle Cap Collecting" now uses the same skill requirements for all resources.
- Gozar's Blessing now counts as a resource for storage purposes.
- Collection: Fabric Backpack Pouch - Antique Shades formula is now properly classified as expert.
-Collection: Fabric Backpack Pouch - Azulyte Shades formula is now properly classified as journeyman.
- Collection: Fabric Backpack Pouch - Gemstone Shades formula is now properly classified as journeyman.
- Collection: Fabric Backpack Pouch - Unique Shades Formula is now properly classified as master.
- You can now fish from up to 60m away.
- Spell: Chill techniques can be applied on Bolt spells again like similar techniques for other types of Bolts.
- Cobalt & Mithril Scalemail Greaves in Expert Scalemail Greaves, and Cobalt Scalemail Greaves in Journeyman Scalemail Greaves now follow the same amount of bars as the other greaves (From 24-12 to 22-11 based on skill).
- All Ringmail and Scalemail Skilts have been adjusted to require the same amount of resources as the greaves (22-11 based on skill) as they provide the same armor value.
- Ironsilk Invisible Cargo Cap has had its optimal skill values in Expert Invisible Cargo cap corrected to 1100 (was 1075).
- Mithril Chainmail & Platemail Chestguard have had their optimal value corrected (from 1180 to 1190).
- Cobalt Chainmail & Platemail Chestguard have had their optimal value corrected (from 955 to 965).
- Formulas "Maggot Hide Processing" and "Special Fabric Spool" will now sort properly into Beginner category.
- Vilitis Plant Processing and Frozen Carapace DUST now use Alchemy skill instead of Foraging. They also require 810 Alchemy instead of 840 Foraging to be scribed.
- Master Antidote now uses Lethal Venom instead of Cave Crawler Venom to create the Superior Antidote.
- Lethal Venom is now a gatherable resource from Tier 6 Spiders and Scorpions.
- Collection: Fabric Backpack Pouch formulas now require a minimal Clothworking skill to be scribed.
- Fixed Expert Milk Fabricator maximal skill for Cobalt Tinkering Gears and Bright Essence Orbs to craft a Grand Milk Fabricator.
- Hunting Knives and Dragon Intuition abilities can now gather water at a low rate.
- Old Wooden Bucket sold by Marcus, the Kion Pawnbroker, doesn't require any trade school or trade skill anymore but can only be used to gather water at a low rate.
- Fixed technique resources descriptions:
*Polarized Crystal Shard description now mentions Fine Oak Round Cross Shield instead of Oak Round Cross Shield.
*Rhal'kuk Battler Electrified Eyeball.
*Nah'guk Rock-Hauler Big Toe.
*Watchful Coastal Ruxus Skin.
*Redden Watcher Gland.
*Wild Gruok Bristle.
*Weak Arbotus Gullet.
*Sapphire Wolf Frozen Fang doesn't mention Craft: Sculpting V in its description anymore.
*Timber Wolf Fang now properly mentions Defense: Mystical Ward IV in its description.
Epics- Updated BattleMaster Trikoz Trek's dialogue about the Shards of Freedom in quest "Earn Title: Falgut the Slaver - Savior".
- Elial in the rift, as well as all the guardians, and the Avatar of Pain now use the bossbar.
- Surtheim will now display a red stance decal beneath his feet when he uses Molten Armor and it now has a 5 second casting time.
- Shards of Freedom are now stackable and have only 1 charge. Their bulk has been reduced to 1 to make them more friendly in inventory. Crafting a Shard or Exceptional Shard will now yield a stack of 10.
- Primal Boon now has a 1s casting time (down from 5s).
- Son of Gigaroth will now only use Call upon the Cabal when injured.
- Elial will no longer use his ‘Berserker's Rage' outside of combat.
- Reklar the Plaguebearer will no longer cast his Refreshing Breeze and Allowance of Power outside of combat to better strategize against those who challenge him.
- Epic weapons now have glowing runes (where applicable).
- Epic weapons now produce subtle effects when equipped, similar to Surtheim's Pickaxe. These can be canceled with right-click.
- Epic Armor: Demon's Aegis formula now properly requires 3 components and 1 essence.
- Earn Title: Memory of Elial - Insane & Earn Title: Memory of Elial - Timekeeper now only counts Memory of Elial kills.
- Demons' Menace now properly awards "Bonus: Epic Award V".
- Holy Zeal, a buff gained from Divine Restoration on Ambrosia of the Gods, now boosts Mystical Resistance instead of Magic Defense.
- Demon's Aegis, Reklar's Tower Shield, Reklar's Sash of Fury, Ceremonial Cape, and Ceremonial Shield now require adventure rating instead of current level.
- Epic Requirement Changes (these ensure that low rating players cannot soak up rewards when being power-leveled, as well as unify most epic content to use the same tier of requirements).
*Greater Epic Presence and Lesser Epic Presence now require you to have an adventure rating of 100.
*Demonskin Staff and Bloodthorn Staff now require a minimum rating of 100. You must still have a qualifying mage school of level 100, but it does not have to be your active school.
*Surtheim-Infused Fiery Mining Pick and The Queen's Siphon no longer require you to be level 100 in your current school.
*Dark Tiger's Grasp now requires you to have an adventure rating of 100 and 1000 Unarmed skill.
*Demon's Blood Battle-Axe now requires you to have an adventure rating of 100 and 1000 2-handed slash skill.
*Demon's Claw now requires you to have an adventure rating of 100 and 1000 tooth&claw skill.
*Elial's Thorn (ghostly blade) now requires you to have an adventure rating of 100 and 1000 1-handed pierce skill.
*Elial's Thorn (metal blade) now requires you to have an adventure rating of 100 and 1000 1-handed pierce skill.
*Primalist's Claw now requires you to have an adventure rating of 100 and 1000 primal skill.
*The Queen's Vertebrae now requires you to have an adventure rating of 100 and 1000 2-handed crush skill.
*Valkor's Blood Sword now requires you to have an adventure rating of 100 and 1000 2-handed slash skill.
*Valkor's Blood Talon now requires you to have an adventure rating of 100 and 1000 tooth&claw skill.
*Void Claw now requires you to have an adventure rating of 100 and 1000 primal skill.
*Combust now requires an adventure rating of 100 instead of current adventure level.
*Dark Cyclone now requires an adventure rating of 100 instead of current adventure level.
*Drulkar's Wrath now requires an adventure rating of 100 instead of current adventure level.
*Primal Combust now requires an adventure rating of 100 instead of current adventure level.
*Shining Blades now requires an adventure rating of 100 and 1000 summoning skill (instead of 750).
*Volcano now requires you to have an adventure rating of 100 instead of current adventure level.
*Quest "(Daily) Kill One Greater Epic Boss" now requires 100 adventure rating (was 90).
*Quest "(Daily) Kill One Lesser Epic Boss" now requires 100 adventure rating (was 90).
*Quest "(Weekly) Kill Greater and Lesser Bosses" now requires 100 adventure rating (was 90).
*Quest "Discover the Secrets of the Burning Archer" now requires you to be level 100 Elemental Archer or 100 Ranger.
Monsters- Fire Golems (Turoth, Diminished Surtheim, Surtheim Fragment, Roaming Fragment and the Elemental of Fire now get Fiery Smash instead of Golem Crush, Hurl Flame instead of Hurl Chunk and will no longer be susceptible to being Burned.
- Fiend monsters will now use a more reasonable version of Fiendish Channeling than the one players receive.
- Dwarven monsters will now use a more reasonable version of Dwarven Toughness than the one players receive.
- Lost Elders are now 50% less evasive
- Diminished Surtheim is now slightly weaker.
- Vikinos Trudgers will spawn fewer followers than before.
- Cornil's aggressiveness has been tweaked and its followers are now non aggressive.
- Increased Murk Crabs health increment to 25 per level, up from 20 per level.
-Withered Aegis rangers no longer have access to the ability of "Lightning Arrows".
- Brownback Hunter Pack-Leader and Brownback Wolf Matron now ask for help when attacked.
- Any dragon enemies that used Refreshing Breeze now use Tranquil Breeze, a monster variant of the ability that has half the duration of the player one.
- All Monster versions of Gold Rage are now known as Feral Rage.
- Egg and Birthing Sacs have had their health reduced by 50%.
- Bloodletter Egg layer has had its health reduced by 50%.
- Gakkash the Dominator has had its health reduced by 50% and no longer gets increased damage output.
- Guardians of Rage, Blood, Bone, Heart and Mind will now respawn more quickly.
- Major Spiritual Heal used by Myloc Hierophants now has a 5s cast time (up from 2s) and an associated animation.
- Thornwood Treants now also roam east-northeast of Harro.
- Enraged Radiant Wisps now properly use radiant color, instead of dim.
- Thornwood Treants now have their own version of Cloak of Thorns called Thornwood Bark.
- Arboreon is now properly displayed as an aggressive monster.
- The population of Roaming Arbotus has increased in the Stormy March as they live in good terms with the Bhal'kuk tribe. They also respawn faster.
- Dark Crawler Soldiers no longer drop Dark Crawler Soldier Leg Hair as it wasn't a used component anymore, it has been obsoleted and also removed from Nadia's inventory.
- Thunder Blights now drop Blight junk items instead of Zombie ones.
- Motes of Rage can now drop Greater Fiery Tokens.
- Fixed Whiskey Elemental, Champagne Elemental and Tequila Elemental floating names.
- Cult Guards, Cult Devotees, Cult Leader, Raving Cultists and Gorrash Toval no longer drop Tier II items.
- Named Winter Werewolf , Bay, now drops Tier V hoard items instead of Tier IV ones.
- These Tier VI monsters no longer drop Tier V items:
*Furious Engineer.
*Horde Guard.
*Elite Horde Guard.
*Prison Guard.
*Prison Warden.
*Slaver's Guard.
- Brownback Wolf Matron changes:
*Ability: Power Shot II and Dragon Claw Tech Kit: Deadly II now require Brownback Matron Tails instead of Forest Skulk Hunter Fins to be crafted.
*This monster now respawns much faster.
- Adjusted the tier and levels of the following Named Treants:
*Tier 1 – "Greenpiece" - level 21
*Tier 2 – "Rumbleknot" - level 41 (Elm)
*Tier 3 – "Akron" – Level 61 (Oak)
*Tier 4 – "Bitterbranch" – Level 81 (Maple)
*Tier 5 – "Arboreon" – Level 101 (Yew)
*Tier 6 – "Thistleface" – Level 121 (Thornwood)
- Following Blight monsters now count as undead:
*Drowned Spirit
*Flame Guard
*Mighty Fire Blight
*Mighty Flame Blight
*Storm Adept
*Veteran Lightning Blight
*Veteran Storm Blight
*Veteran Storm Blight Sergeant
- Frost Hound changes:
*Frosthounds are now known as Frost Hounds.
*Frosthound Heart is now Frost Hound Heart.
*Frosthound Mane is now Frost Hound Mane.
*Frosthound Claw is now Frost Hound Claw.
*Updated Frosthound in quest "Go Bag 100 Frosthound Claws" to be Frost Hound.
*Updated Frosthound in quest "Go Bag 5 Frosthound Claws" to be Frost Hound.
*Updated Frosthound in quest "Iron Guard: Kalevala's Bounty" to be Frost Hound.
*Fixed Kalevala's Head to reference a Frost Hound instead of Frosthound.
*Kalevala is now slightly higher level.
World- V'Tieru, Edath, Deisaes, Nafemi and Ristef now properly represent "Council of Ancients" with their guild name.
- Sheep near Bristugo, Dalimond, New Koraelia, Fabric Isle, Genevia, South March, the Abandoned Island and Scorpion Island will now respawn more quickly.
- Increased the maximum number of sheep near Bristugo significantly (except near Morrison, where it has been decreased).
- More large sheep have been spotted on Fabric Isle, Genevia and the Abandoned Island.
- Cows near Heather, Greenridge Mountain, Holcomb Farmstead and Wellstone Farmstead will now respawn more quickly.
- Increased the maximum number of Nursing Cows that can spawn at the Wellston Farmstead from 1 to 2
- Regular Bright Wisps now properly spawn in Bright Wisps spawn regions.
- Rumiana and Sandava have lost their "the Dragon Trainer" title and now only show their occupation through their guild tag.
- Fixed a terrain trap near Reklar's Fortress.
- Fixed a terrain trap in Mahagra Toundra.
- A bridge at Mia's Edge is now better aligned with terrain.
- Fixed a plot marker in Dalimond Village that was too far from the plot bounds.
- Fixed terrain traps near Istaria's Union.
- Fixed terrain trap near Dalimond Ridge.
- Signs in Chiconis and Dralk training isles should no longer be missing text
- Improved visuals for Elm, Oak, Maple, Yew trees.
- Fixed a terrain trap around a pillar at the entrance of the spiral of the Western Deadlands.
- Players should no longer run into invisible objects at Skalkaar's pond.
- Ranger Alleera on Dikaina Island is now a member of the Order of Rangers.
- Spell Hallucination II is now properly sold by the Librarian of Magic in Dalimond.
- Added campsite and decoration near Hasera and Scholars in Kion.
- Added small amounts of Copper and Tin south, west and east of Aughundell.
- Added Logging Camp, Tannery and decoration east of Harro as a new region known as "Eastern Harro Logging and Tannery".
- The big Thornwood Tree region south, east and northeast of Harro has been redone, broken into smaller groups. Added more Thornwood Trees east of Harro, and Blighted Thornwood bordering the Eastern Deadlands.
- Fixed northeast corner of a plot elevation in Garnet Bay (hotfixed 27.05.2024).
- Spirit Isle has been decorated.
- Memorial Isle has been decorated.
- Fixed bad water triangle south of Feladan.
- Imperial Vaultkeepers have been added to Chiconis-Dralk community tunnels. The following exits \ entrances now contain a Vault chamber:
*Dalimond \ Crankenspank's Tomb.
*Dalimond \ Sanctuary Bay.
*New Rachival.
*Heather Mines.
*Hoarfrost Vale.
*Sokdelak Mines.
Miscellaneous Fixes & Changes- Efimia Saloniana will now properly discuss the types of arcane and mystical damage.
- Items that create other items in quantities more than one, like boxes of scrolls, now show how many items they give.
- Vrylliak will now properly address bipeds interested in the costume room.
- Gudal's Scepter of Command is now stackable.
- Stun state and stun emote now play sounds.
- Spider Goo, from Chocolate Spider, no longer kills player, but it still deals damage.
- New Rachival Work Boots no longer have an abnormally large stretched icon.
- "-- 10th Anniversary –" has been added to the description of 10th Anniversary items to better denote their source.
- Armor Tech Kit: 2017 Hours of Frost and Dragon Scale Tech Kit: 2017 Hours of Frost have been renamed to 2017 Hours of Frost Mask Tech Kit and 2017 Hours of Frost Dragon Scale Tech Kit for consistency with other cosmetic technique kits.
- Consuming looted crystals will no longer grant any XP. This includes crystals such as cogs, Crystals of Movement, and old-style Armor/Jewelry/Tool/Weapon crystals.
- Corrected a broken chat link in Lady Kendra's dialogue.
- Helga Deslo will now match the prices of other Fashion Designers around the world.
- Jewelry and Scale Tech Kit: Kaasha's Sigil technique now requires completion of the quest "Sslanis Militia: Outrage in the Jungle" which is the quest which awards it.
- Improved visuals for Essence Residues so they no longer obscure the decal texture underneath.
- Added "Spell: Rupture IV", "Defense: Ethereal Resistance IV" and "Defense: Ethereal Ward IV" in the description of Hephas Trudger Thorax.
- Renamed trophy "Wary Coastal Ruxus Skull" to "Watchful Coastal Ruxus Skull".
- New Trismus Shrine will now properly produce a message that you were bound, as well as display name in Character Sheet.
- Changed the icon for Tactician's Spirit.
- Fixed issue where certain crystal clusters can trap players.
- Fixed double "Hello" when greeting Karios the Trophy Hunter.
- Travel scrolls now recycle every 15 minutes (down from 30).
- Blight Cores can now be stored in Warehouses.
- Opal Golem Chip will no longer refer to obsolete techniques.
- Amulet of Scorpus now properly has an armor crystal icon instead of a tool one.
- Ezzar's Folly, Blood-Thirsty, and Bite of the Sun have had their icons corrected.
- Removed Blight-only testing schools' abbreviations (NDR, NMK, NFD, NCO) from the constraints lists as these schools are not currently available.
- Fixed stretched texture inside unfinished Human Small Vault Storage structure.
- Chocolate Gruok Tails are no longer attuned on purchase.
- All weapon, armor, and jewelry technique kits have been given an icon update if they had an icon duplicated from another kit. You should be able to differentiate the icons much better in your inventory.
- Spell Tech Kit: Relic of Mellohndar has been given a new icon.
- The technique kit ‘Sigil of Toval' has been renamed to ‘Weapon and Claw Tech Kit: Sigil of Toval' to better align with other existing technique kits.
- Changed the tooltip formatting for ablative (fade-on-hit or damage) effects. Previously, it read: "Removed after X (ranged/melee) (martial/magical) hits, Removed after Y (ranged/melee) (martial/magical) damage". Now it reads "Removed after X damage or Y hits from (ranged/melee) (martial/magical) sources" and is labeled as ablative. The term ablative means removal by melting or evaporation, which refers to how your effect ‘evaporates' after a certain amount of beating.
- Corrected the tooltips for transforming items (costumes, polymorph potions) to read ‘Transform' instead of the cut-off ‘ransformation'.
- Anarie now offers age title quests for 7,000 to 12,000 days.
- New Sheep Pets added to Ssaulios: White, Brown, Light Gray, Dusk.
- Spring Sheep Pet has been renamed to Dark Gray Sheep Pet.
- Novians can now be consigned.
- Both Sand and (regular) Snowballs will now be accepted by consigners.
- Shadow Tarantula Leg (already obsolete) has been removed from Nadia's inventory.
- Fixed a display issue in the Title tooltip wherein they showed a mishmash of your full name, last name, existing title, and new title.
- New shoulder pets Turtles! Alistair now carries a Green and a Box Turtle Shoulder pet. Anarie now carries a Jervis and a Blue Moon Turtle Shoulder pet.
- Pawnbrokers Murrina in Parsinia and Nurusa in Kaiyart now sell their goods at the same price as any Imperial Pawnbroker.
- Formulatron v.03 now has the same prices as the one in Dalimond.
- Anarie now sells two new pets: Gold Scarab Pet and Tomb Scarab Pet.
- Shepherd Dog Pet will no longer limit fly height.
- Bipeds and dragons now have two more emotes - "daze" and "collapse".
- Portable Scroll Tote is now Attuned on creation.
- Farmer Holcomb Portable Scroll Tote formula has been obsoleted.
- "Normand's Marvelous! Invention" quest has been obsoleted.
- Anarie now sells Portable Scroll Tote, Portable Crystal Tote, Portable Trophy Tote, Portable Potion Tote & Portable Food Tote.
- Irwina the Zookeeper now sells two new pets: Black Wisp Pet and White Wisp Pet.
- Fixed missing tooltip information on items with heal modifiers that have a minimum heal of 0.
- Corrected and reworded some dialogue in the Simulated Scale of the Prime quest. The mirroring quest for Lunus and former quests in the chain have not been reviewed at this time.
- Adjusted the naming of dragon schools. The existing names, especially for the original classes, were essentially placeholders that were never updated:
*Dragon Adventurer school is now once again known as just Dragon.
*Dragon Crafter school is now known as Artisan (ARTN).
*Abbreviation for Lairshaper school is now LRSH (previously DLSH)
*Abbreviation for Crystalshaper school is now CRYS (previously DCRS)
- The ARoP Guardians and their associated spirits have had their names corrected to match each other:
*Korgaern <Guardian of Blood>
*Shre Akana <Guardian of Heart>
*Fergul Nly <Guardian of Bone>
*Kartarn <Guardian of Mind>
- Edited and recolored multiple icons and icon sets:
*Looted hoard including urns, crowns, bells, coffers, scepters, orbs, and mirrors. These have been given new custom colors to reflect their tier more clearly.
*All junk loot items have been updated to a new collection of tiered tints that are more intense and clearly distinguishable, separate from other in-game colors.
*Trophies have been adjusted to use the new tiered colors; this should not be a dramatic change in hue.
*Dragon cargo disks are now colored by material per tier separately between Nielenoss' Flyers and regular Dragon Cargo Disks. Lunus and Helian variants can additionally be distinguished by the color of crystals on the icon. Currently, the actual item will not reflect these colors.
*The quest items Massive Emerald, Lost Precious Gem, Emerald of Dahmamun, and Flawless Diamond are slightly adjusted.
*Nature's Vanguard has been given a new color.
*Priscilla the Shoulder Parrot's various forms (alive, dead, revived) no longer use a tint and instead show the icon's true colors.
*Hiring Permits have been given a unique icon depending on the purpose.
*Urn Hammers have been given a unique custom icon, as have their respective formula.
*The Old Wooden Bucket now looks wooden instead of metal.
*Decorative Orbs - a crafted hoard item - now use their proper icon instead of an in-development one.
*Hand Wraps now properly tint per tier. In the future, they might receive some adjusted icons to distinguish different types of hand wraps.
*Presents from the Gnomekindle festival use new colors and a slightly changed icon.
*Removed a tint from the Myloc Gatherer Skull icon.
- Steward Pratt in New Trismus
*Updated Pratt's dialogue to be more clear about the sandstone locations.
*Fixed chat link in Pratt's service list dialogue which pointed to the wrong text for Avariatus.
*Fixed Pratt's information about the Withered Aegis and Undead Horde so it is more clear that they aren't one and the same.
*Added new information to Pratt about the Ruin of Tazoon and the Welger.
Typos & Grammar Fixes- Quest "Wrapped in Despair (Part 2)".
- Quest "Fall of Tazoon: Survivors in the Desert".
- Quest "Jolly Old Nicholas: Destination Mahagra".
- Dragon's Winter Scarf Tech Kit description.
- Quest "Grant Smyth: Fate".
- Quest "Mage Training 3: An Enemy's Weakness".
- Quest "Balit's Story: The Report".
- Quest "ARoP10 - Scale of Ancients - The Golem King (Helian)".
- Spelling of Remnant of Valkor's Shield.
- Quest "The Relic of Silvane".
- Fixed the typo with Ardinn at the Tower of Healing to now properly question, not state.
- Fixed a typo in quest: Earn Title: Purifier to refer to poisons correctly.
- Fixed Typo in quest: ARoP18 - Ritual of Journey: Enter Akhanis.
- Fixed Typo in quest: Claim Title: Master Lairshaper.
- Fixed Typo in quest: Ritual of Journey: Stars of Attunement.
- Fixed typo in quest: Lore Quest: Axe of Dorogath.
- Corrected and altered the dialogue in quest: Drulkar's Wrath Part 8: Braaaains…
- Fixed typo on description of: Armor and Scale Defense Tech Kit: Evasion II
- Typos corrected in descriptions for the following:
- Violet Crystal of Mirmaylth's Screen
- Violet Crystal of Kal'enas' Screen
- Violet Crystal of Korat's Screen
- Violet Crystal of The Conqueror's Screen
- Spear Balance
- Nature's Boon
- Nature's Benevolence
- Cotton Cloth Outfit
- Cotton Padded Outfit
- Ice Disciple trainer Kortannai
- Fall of Tazoon: Survivors in the Desert
- Delgarath Militia Unsung Heroes: Help Jatell
-Dragon's Gift IV: Kill the Topaz King
- Blacksmith: Order 102, Harvest Knives
- Blacksmith: Outlasting the Long Swords!
- Blacksmith: Picks for the Miner
- Lore Quest: The Invae
- The Fate of Silvane
- The Curse of Silvane (Part 1)
- The Relic of Silvane
- Saris Female Emote ‘lick'.
- Elemental Archer Trainer Tomas' typo to "challenge" you is corrected.
- Fusion Burn
- Xipilli when asking about Jeweler school
- Fishing Line for Bammas
- Town Marshall: Good Weavers, Bad Weavers
- Town Marshall: When Ogres Attack
-Story: A Disturbance of Spirit (Part 1)
- Monk: The Apprentice's Trial
- Ranger: Envenomed Arrow I
- Accurate Breath VII: On the Battlefield
- Defense of Sslanis: Giant Loricatus Beetle Stomp
- Rykhar's greeting to bipeds
- Quest "Sshranu's Pet Project".
-Quest "Scalecraft Mastery IX".
-Quest "Dimensional Pocket VII".
- Quest "Wrapped in Despair (Part 1)".
-Quest "Fishing Supplies for Bammas".
-Quest "Earn Title: General Reklar Plaguebearer - Valorous".
- Quest "Forest of Troubles (Part 2)"
- Mithril Dirk
- Quest "Fishing Line for Bammas"
- Health Boost I & II
- Wild Swing (all tiers)
- Berserk Rage & Improved Berserk Rage
-Blood Doll (all tiers)
- Lacerations
- Hamstring
- Instant Transfer (all tiers)
- Group Instant Transfer I & II
- Concentrated Blood (all tiers)
- Boiling Blood I & II
- Debuff: Constrict Blood (all tiers)
- Stopped Blood
- Exsanguinate
- 2017 Hours of Frost Head Scale effect (Previously was named "Headscale")
- Quest "Mage Training 5: Ways to Enhance".
Server and ClientServer
- Significantly improved monster spawner responsiveness - this will cause monsters to become visible much faster in areas and otherwise significantly reduce instances of monsters spawning on top of players in most situations (there may still be small delays in heavily loaded areas like Tazoon).
- Updated several damage types: Nature and Blight damage is now Mystical, and Mind damage is now Arcane.
- Some effects can now properly convert attacks to be magical - magical attacks receive buffs from different skills and stats than physical ones.
- Ensured that it is no longer possible to give away currency (like tokens) to a trader without getting anything in return.
Fixes:- Fixed an issue where some types of damage were experiencing mitigation when they weren't supposed to (mainly affecting special items such as the Empowered Ritual Fragment).
- Fixed an issue where monsters could not aggro properly if following a leader monster in certain circumstances.
- Fixed an issue where monsters would not consider extremely high level players as valid aggro targets even though they technically were - this fixes end-tier monsters not aggroing properly on end-tier players.
- Fixed using keys on chests not properly opening the chest unless the chest was attacked after using it.
- Fixed an issue where mitigation penetration bonuses from items and abilities were incorrectly being affected by diminishing returns - now they directly add to the innate penetration level of a character. Note that these bonuses only apply during the attack and will not appear in the Statistics page of the character window.
- Fixed an issue where it could take an excessively long amount of time for a character to finish logout on the server after disconnecting from the game if they have a lot of contacts in their contact list - this would interfere with relogging quickly.
- Fixed an issue where getting into invalid world locations that monsters can't reach would cause all nearby ranged monsters to immediately aggro and start attacking.
- Fixed an issue where some attacks could make use of multiple attack buffs (like Multicast) despite being specifically excluded from it.
- Fixed an issue where having active Trophy Hunter quests could prevent the getting of additional trophy quests in certain situations.
- Fixed an issue where having an excessive amount of modifiers on an attack could prevent the attack from resolving properly (mainly affected attacking with lots of buffs and using abilities with lots of effects - this would be very rare to encounter).
- Fixed an issue where deconstructing an item would show zero resource returned despite having Efficiency in deconstructing that resource. Now at least one resource will be returned by deconstruction if there is Efficiency and any resources are available.
- Fixed an issue where effects that require stances were not working correctly.
- Fixed an issue where some chat messages from monsters that were intended as announcements were only being seen by the combat target of the monster and not everyone nearby.
- The way the game saves inventory item positions has been rewritten to solve the "inventory scramble" bug as well as solve other issues:
*It is now no longer possible for the inventory position file to be corrupted if the game closes unexpectedly.
*The Trade window's "Yours" tab now correctly shows a view of the inventory and won't cause item positions to be reset.
*Fixed the Tokens tab not updating properly in some situations in the Trade window.
*Fixed issues with vault upgrades not applying immediately and issues with the Vault window stopping working after a vault upgrade.
*Fixed vault upgrades causing item positions in the vault to be reset.
*Fixed mysterious blank spaces sometimes appearing in the inventory between items.
*Reduced the size of the inventory positions file UIInventory.def by around 80% by implementing a new format.
- Current and completed quests can now be searched by name in the quest log.
- Total quantity of a stack is now visible in the tooltip, above bulk, if the stack has more than one item.
- Hoard values in tooltips now follow your computer's localization settings, displaying commas or periods like other large numbers.
- Dragon takeoffs are now more responsive for a more fluid feel.
- Chat windows no longer default to auto-focus enabled (where they would become on top of other windows any time a message was received).
- A Stop Spinning button has been added to the item creation window for customizable items.
- Updates are in progress for the Guild window to make it more usable: the "online" field now provides last online time information and some misc bugfixes have been applied.
- FPS optimizations have been performed related to the Target window.
- A loading indicator has been added for plot structure inventories to make it clear the inventory is loading.
- The quest window will automatically scroll down as quests advance to reveal then next steps in situations where there are more steps than will fit in the window.
- The Character window's tooltips now properly reflect the new categories for arcane and mystic.
- The warning about how an item will be attuned on use will no longer appear if the item is already attuned.
- Reviewed the dragon emote text and updated it to properly use the unknown gender pronoun ‘they' instead of ‘it' to match other references to dragons in-game. Sslik were consistent in using it/its for the entire emote list.
- Adjusted the shine on tier four damage crystals to differentiate them better from tier three and five.
- Decorative NPCs now have a different name color to make them easy to identify.
- Updated the wording on the Dismiss Follower window to be more
- The game again supports modded emotes without needing to modify the GameConst.def file - modded emotes will appear in a different colour in the Emotes window now as well. descriptive of the consequences of dismissing a quest follower early.
Fixes:- Avatar of Pain now features its own portrait.
- Corrected the way the client applies tints to icons, especially multi-tinted icons; this may result in some icons appearing less bright.
- Ghostly dryads will no longer elongate in some of their animations.
- The Machine of Inhibition, all deer, and all ghostly dragon monsters now feature their own portraits.
- Fixed issues with the /ignore command not working properly.
- Fixed the Hoard part of a Dragon's character sheet being cut off in some circumstances.
- Fixed an issue where some monster dialogue (such as Reklar's taunting) was not being displayed properly.
- Fixed world time ingame not updating if the Environment System Effects option is disabled.
- Fixed an issue where loading textures could display in a pink color instead of the usual white.
- Fixed an issue where text could become corrupted and stray text characters could appear in text windows.
- Corrected a text issue with a Saris emote.
- Fixed an issue where viewing structure inventory history could fail if two structure windows were open at the same time in certain situations.
- Fixed an issue where the player's location on the map would be slightly offset from where they actually are in Chiconis.
- Fixed an issue where the visual names of your pet could change to a different player's pet (on your screen only) in some situations, for example viewing an item link to someone else's pet.
- Fixed other player's pets spawning on your camera position and not the position of the other player.
- Fixed an issue where self-buffing wasn't automatically targeting your own character if nothing was selected.
- Fixed a UI issue where the character window could un-minimise itself if certain actions are performed.
- Fixed an issue where putting a minimized window offscreen and then un-minimising it would cause it to not render properly.
- Fixed rendering issues when resizing a window which is partially offscreen.
- Fixed an issue where opening and closing certain windows with UI Scaling active would cause them to move.
- Fixed an issue where resizing a window to minimum can cause it to move by itself.
- Fixed an issue where resizing a window to minimum can cause the interior of it to become distorted when using UI Scaling.
- Fixed the chat text in the chat window possibly becoming cut off and showing "..." at certain UI scales.
- Fixed combat not working correctly when in first person mode - this would appear as monsters no longer attacking visually and your own actions not animating.
- Fixed items in a biped's hand not disappearing for other players when sitting or sleeping (they always disappeared for the player doing the sit).
- Fixed an issue where the splash screen (the initial screen Istaria shows when just starting up) can get stuck and won't be able to be clicked away from until it disappears by itself.
- Fixed the Cosmetic button on the Character Window Abilities page not saving properly on game shutdown and visual issues related to it.
- Fixed the Gathering Alacrity display in the character window incorrectly being able to show an effect greater than 50% (it cannot go higher than 50% on the server).
- Fixed placement issues for structure planning when rotating structures
- Fixed placement issues for structure planning where the structure outline was not being used to confirm placement within plot boundaries.
- Fix issues with world time becoming desynchronized with the server time
- Updated Reklar's combat lines to better reflect his characterization.
- Updated deconstruct logic so it will match the server and provide blighted cores when the minimum resource required is one or greater.
- Fixed a variety of improper pronouns in biped emotes - they should all be correct now. Too many to list individually, but it was use of ‘he/him/his' in female dryad, dwarf, half-giant, gnome, saris, and satyr emotes and ‘she/her/hers' in male fiends and satyrs.
- Fixed an issue where some traders and consigners would not have the correct information ring around their icon in the Target window.
- Fixed an issue where some static objects (like Ritual Pylons) were turning while performing effects.
- Fixed an issue where the terrain would sometimes not render properly in the plot Planning Window.
- Fixed an issue where it wasn't possible to trade some currencies (like Lore Tokens and Bounty Markers) away for coin rewards.
- Fixed an issue where unattuned pets could not be placed into structure storage.
- Fixed incorrect options appearing for other player's pets and quest followers (such as open inventory, Dismiss etc).
- Fixed the name in the target window being incorrect for a selected other player's pet.
- Fixed being able to select other player's pets - this was never intended and was always a bug, and could interfere with selecting intended things the pet was standing on top of.
- Fixed not being able to select your own pet in some situations and thus not being able to use the right click options.
- Fixed an issue where pets could spawn floating in the air.
- Fixed an issue where pets would sometimes swap side instead of stepping backwards when a player gets too close to them.
- Fixed an issue where the preview for titles in the Item Details page would not have correct spacing added in certain situations.
- Fixed an issue where the clickable hand mouse icon could become stuck when clicking on quest dialogue links.
Known Issues- Ceremonial Items cannot be exchanged for a Ceremonial token, this is not the intended design and we will be working hard to find a solution that is also future proof.
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