Patch sur Blight du 10/03/2025 (Delta 318)

Une nouvelle mise à jour a été déployée sur le serveur de tests. Elle s'inscrit une fois encore dans la suite de la refonte du système de combat. Beaucoup d'éléments de qualité de vie et des changements préparatoires pour une demande de longue date: les armures brisées pour les bipèdes, les Dragons ayant ce système pour leurs écailles depuis longtemps.

Blight Exclusive

- Time Master on Blight now sells testing boons for maximum damage (lasting 5 minutes) and invulnerability (lasting 30 minutes).


- A new title set, Empire's Renowned Claws and Empire's Renowned Sword, will be rewarded on release to all players that placed within the top 10% of their server's leaderboard during the Festival of the Brave.
- New vendors have arrived at all major cities, selling equippable flowers and caged pets. Now you can show that special gifted in your life how much they mean to you with a bouquet of roses!
*These gifts can be equipped by both bipeds and dragons in khutit form.
- Removed experience reduction warning in quests "(Daily) T4 Hero: Challenge Gudal" and "(Weekly) T4 Hero: Challenge Exalted Gudal" as there is no actual reduction.
- Antaros' Reanimation Studies quests now have a limit of 20 Undead Cores to drop.
- Improved directions to find Kitimiri Rima in quest "Joggler Snimms: Bonding the Blades".
- In the quest "Bones of the Ancestors", the visible journal entry "Listen to Frujak's tale" is now visible for the entire tale and not just one part.
- Quest "Primal Instant Heal VII: Sand In the Claws!" now requires 12 Sand Scarabs instead of 20.
- Updated the dialogue in both versions of quest "Relics of the Ancients" to be more consistent with versions of Nazderon's origin lore and to use player responses. The Quest also now requires an adventure rating of 45 instead of current level.
- Attunement quests for Eastern Outpost, Imperial Outpost and Delgarath now use adventure rating instead of current level.
- Quest chain, Tales of Darkstaff, has been rewritten to be lore-consistent, to give better directions, and to use player response links.
- Quest items that are part of the Tales of Darkstaff quest chain will now all properly classify as quest items and will give a warning if you mistakenly try to delete one.
- Restored Darkstaff Armor Crystal now boosts armor by 100 (was 50), Evasion by 50 (was Dexterity) and Tactical Mastery by 50 (was Focus by 70)
- Small Satyr Relic is now marked as junk loot.
- Adventurer trainers on Spirit Isle will no longer allow you to join an additional adventure school once you've already joined one.
- Quest "Dragon's Gift II: A Test in the Snow" has been updated to have more dialogue, player responses, and to attune the player to the Abandoned Island.
- Dimensional Pocket X quest will now award the title of "Eternal Watcher"
*The title will be retroactively rewarded to all who have already completed Dimensional Pocket X
- By popular request, Anarie will now sell Dragon's Rainbow Scarf and Dragon's Striped Rainbow Scarf for 3 and 5 loyalty tokens, respectively.
- Dalimond Peninsula quests:
*Elissa Malna: Lost Cargo Disk and New Cargo Disk quests now require an adventure rating of 18, have expanded dialogue and player responses.
*Forest Skulk Menace quests now require an adventure rating of 18, have expanded dialogue and player responses.
*Forest Skulk Threat, Artifact and Pledge quests now require an adventure rating of 20, have expanded dialogue and player responses.
- Added three new weapon tech kits (and formulas) specifically for daggers:
*Andolath's Focus boosts magical alacrity for the player wielding the dagger and also reduces the recycle of spells by 25%.
*Cuadan's Sigil increases the damage of ranged spells by 10%.
*Bane of Androgos converts attacks with the dagger so that they are considered magical and doubles the damage.
*Beginner and Journeyman tier formulas for these weapon tech kits are now available on the appropriate trainers while expert tier will drop as loot.
- Weapon and Claw Tech Kit: Hunter's Retribution changes:
*Hunter's Retribution tech kit will now do 10-15 damage 100% of the time (up from 1-3 damage 30% of the time).
*Quest "The First Hunt II" will now give the Hunter's Retribution tech kit instead of the formula.
*Ssoren the Town Marshall in Sslanis now sells the "Hunter's Retribution tech kit" formula.
*Formula "Beginner Weapon and Claw Tech Kit: Hunter's Retribution" now requires you to have completed the quest "The First Hunt II".
- Various Spring Pet changes:
*More deer pets have been added to Ssaulios: Dusky, Chestnut, Misty, Piebald, Snowy.
*Spring Deer Pet has been renamed to Brown Deer Pet.
*Brown Sheep Pet has been renamed to Chestnut Sheep Pet.
*Dark Grey Sheep Pet has been renamed to Ashen Sheep Pet.
*Dusk Sheep Pet has been renamed to Dusky Sheep Pet.
*Light Gray Sheep Pet has been renamed to Misty Sheep Pet.
*White Sheep Pet has been renamed to Snowy Sheep Pet.
- Nature's Bastion daily quests now require adventure rating instead of current level and have updated rewards:
*Jackdaw rank now awards 3 tokens (up from 2).
*Kite rank now awards 5 tokens (up from 4).
*Raven rank now awards 7 tokens (up from 5).

Broken Items

To prepare for the release of repaired priceless armor for bipeds, we have swept over the broken weapon system, cleaned it up in various places and condensed many of the broken pieces down into more general categories. This should hopefully open the loot tables to give better chances at obtaining the items you want and not rely so heavily on very specific drops.

General Changes

- Splendid Cedar Staves in Beginner Wooden Weapon Repair now properly require Cedar Wood Strips.
- Majestic Steel Mauls in Expert Metal Weapon Repair: Axes and Maces now properly require a Ruined Oak Heavy Weapon Handle.
- Wood Strips now use an icon that looks like a wood strip instead of a staff.
- Broken "Staff Limbs" has been renamed to "Staff Heads" and have had their icons updated to reflect this.
- "Scale Hardeners" are now referred to as "Metal Chunks" to reflect their future use in more formulae.
- All dragon broken items have been renamed to fit the pattern other broken resources use - instead of "[Adjective] Dragon [Slot] Scale: [Metal]", it is now "[Adjective] [Metal] [Slot] Scale". Ex., "Corroded Dragon Back Scale: Adamantium" is now "Corroded Adamantium Back Scale".
- Broken scale icons have been redone.
- Broken Leather Wrappings now use an icon that looks like tattered hand wraps instead of a broken bow.
- All items now have consistent and accurate descriptions.

Broken Piece Redistribution

- Battle AxE Blade and Large Axe Blade have been combined into a single "Axe Blade".
- Maul Head, Mace Crown, and Warhammer Head have been condensed to "Blunt Weapon Head".
- Broad Sword, Long Sword, Short Sword, and Two-Handed Sword Blades have been condensed to "Sword Blade".
- Dagger Blade and Long Spear Blade are now "Short Blade".
- Jewelry broken components have been completely reworked to remove the eight unique items, reducing it to just four - Chain, Pendant, Gem Setting, and Circlet.
*Necklaces now need a Chain and Pendant to craft.
*Bracelets need a Chain and Gem Setting.
*Rings need a Circlet and Gem Setting.
*Earrings need a Circlet and Pendant.
- A new type of weapon handle, Heavy Weapon Handle, has been introduced to the drop table for crafting two-handed weapons and to reduce overreliance on normal Weapon Handles.
- Sword Pommels will no longer drop and have been replaced with Weapon Handles or Heavy Weapon Handles.
- Longbows and Shortbows will no longer use Wood Shafts and instead will use Bow Strings, a new item, alongside Bow Limbs.
- Crossbow Stocks and Triggers will no longer drop. Crossbows will instead use Wood Shafts and Bow Strings.
- Cudgels now require a Wood Shaft and Weapon Handle instead of two Wood Shafts.
- Long Spears now require a Wood Shaft instead of a Weapon Handle.
- A new merchant has taken up shop next to Nadia in Bristugo - Orjal, a dwarf that will exchange obsolete broken items for non-obsolete broken items.
- The following broken items are now obsolete, no longer contribute to crafting any items, and no longer drop from enemies. You may safely exchange them with Orjal or sell them to pawnbrokers.
*Cracked Bronze Necklace Chain
*Cracked Bronze Necklace Pendant
*Cracked Bronze Ring
*Cracked Bronze Ring Setting
*Cracked Cedar Crossbow Stock
*Cracked Bronze Large Axe Blade
*Cracked Bronze Long Spear Blade
*Cracked Bronze Long Sword Blade
*Cracked Bronze Maul Head
*Cracked Bronze Short Sword Blade
*Cracked Bronze Sword Grip
*Cracked Bronze Sword Pommel
*Cracked Bronze Two-Handed Sword Blade
*Cracked Bronze Warhammer Head
*Rotted Silver Necklace Chain
*Rotted Silver Necklace Pendant
*Rotted Silver Ring
*Rotted Silver Ring Gem Setting
*Rotted Elm Crossbow Stock
*Rotted Iron Large Axe Blade
*Rotted Iron Long Spear Blade
*Rotted Iron Long Sword Blade
*Rotted Iron Maul Head
*Rotted Iron Short Sword Blade
*Rotted Iron Sword Grip
*Rotted Iron Sword Pommel
*Rotted Iron Two-Handed Sword Blade
*Rotted Iron Warhammer Head
*Ruined Gold Necklace Chain
*Ruined Gold Necklace Pendant
*Ruined Gold Ring
*Ruined Gold Ring Gem Setting
*Ruined Oak Crossbow Stock
*Ruined Steel Large Axe Blade
*Ruined Steel Long Spear Blade
*Ruined Steel Long Sword Blade
*Ruined Steel Maul Head
*Ruined Steel Short Sword Blade
*Ruined Steel Sword Grip
*Ruined Steel Sword Pommel
*Ruined Steel Two-Handed Sword Blade
*Ruined Steel Warhammer Head
*Fragmented Platinum Necklace Chain
*Fragmented Platinum Necklace Pendant
*Fragmented Platinum Ring
*Fragmented Platinum Ring Gem Setting
*Fragmented Maple Crossbow Stock
*Fragmented Cobalt Large Axe Blade
*Fragmented Cobalt Long Spear Blade
*Fragmented Cobalt Long Sword Blade
*Fragmented Cobalt Maul Head
*Fragmented Cobalt Short Sword Blade
*Fragmented Cobalt Sword Grip
*Fragmented Cobalt Sword Pommel
*Fragmented Cobalt Two-Handed Sword Blade
*Fragmented Cobalt Warhammer Head
*Shattered Mithril Necklace Chain
*Shattered Mithril Necklace Pendant
*Shattered Mithril Ring
*Shattered Mithril Ring Gem Setting
*Shattered Yew Crossbow Stock
*Shattered Mithril Large Axe Blade
*Shattered Mithril Long Spear Blade
*Shattered Mithril Long Sword Blade
*Shattered Mithril Maul Head
*Shattered Mithril Short Sword Blade
*Shattered Mithril Sword Grip
*Shattered Mithril Sword Pommel
*Shattered Mithril Two-Handed Sword Blade
*Shattered Mithril Warhammer Head
*Corroded Adamantium Necklace Chain
*Corroded Adamantium Necklace Pendant
*Corroded Adamantium Ring
*Corroded Adamantium Ring Gem Setting
*Corroded Thornwood Crossbow Stock
*Corroded Adamantium Large Axe Blade
*Corroded Adamantium Long Spear Blade
*Corroded Adamantium Long Sword Blade
*Corroded Adamantium Maul Head
*Corroded Adamantium Short Sword Blade
*Corroded Adamantium Sword Grip
*Corroded Adamantium Two-Handed Sword Blade
*Corroded Adamantium Warhammer Head
*Corroded Adamantium Sword Pommel

Repaired Jewelry

All repaired jewelry now have 'martial' and 'magical' variants, rather than being a mix of both. Existing Necklaces and Rings are now referred to with the 'of Magic' suffix while Bracelets and Earrings are 'of Might'.
While total attribute gain will be down slightly at tier six, the goal of this change is to offer an equal amount of martial or magical focused attributes, rather than a mishmash of both, while maintaining room for the addition of tier six gear

- Jewelry Repair formulae have been split into Magical Jewelry Repair and Martial Jewelry Repair at all tiers.
*Existing Jewelry Repair formulas will become Martial Jewelry Repair.
*New Magical Jewelry Repair formulae will be sold at Jeweler trainers and Finagle Biggletorque.

Changes to Statistics and Balance

- Standardized all repaired jewelry pieces to give the same collection of bonuses, instead of gradually gaining more varied bonuses in each tier.
- Necklaces
*Increased Ethereal Resistance gained from 0/0/0/20/30/40 to 10/20/30/40/50/60.
*Grants delay-adjusted damage for martial or magical attacks, depending on the variant. ( 0/1/2/3/4/5)
*Grants either Power/Focus or Strength/Dexterity depending on the variant, instead of only Power/Focus.
- Bracelets
*Reduced attribute bonus from 0/20/0/40/50/60 to 5/10/15/20/25/30, but can now grant either Power/Focus or Strength/Dexterity instead of only Strength/Dexterity.
*Rebalanced health bonus from 0/20/30/40/50/160 to 20/40/70/100/130/160.
- Earrings
*Reduced attribute bonus from 0/20/0/40/50/60 to 5/10/15/20/25/30, but can now grant either Power/Focus or Strength/Dexterity instead of only Strength/Dexterity.
*Rebalanced health bonus from 10/20/30/40/50/300 to 30/60/105/150/195/240.
- Rings
*Now grants 20/40/70/100/130/160 health.
*Added Ethereal Resistance to lower tiers and increased the amount gained from 0/0/0/20/30/60 to 10/20/30/40/50/60.
*Reduced attribute bonus from 10/20/30/40/50/60 to 5/10/15/20/25/30, but can now grant either Power/Focus or Strength/Dexterity instead of only Power/Focus.

Set Comparison

- T1
*20 to 40 Armor (+20)
*New: 140 Health
*10 Power to 40 Power or Strength (+30)
*20 Focus to 40 Focus or Dexterity (+20)
*New: 30 Ethereal Resistance
*New: 4 Speed
- T2
*80 Armor (Unchanged)
*80 to 280 Health (+200)
*60 Power to 80 Power or Strength (+20)
*60 Focus to 80 Focus or Dexterity (+20)
*New: 60 Ethereal Resistance
*New: 8 Speed
*New: +1 Delay-Adjusted Damage on All Magical or Martial Attacks
- T3
*120 Armor (Unchanged)
*120 to 490 Health (+370)
*90 to 120 Power or Strength (+30)
*90 to 120 Focus or Dexterity (+30)
*New: 90 Ethereal Resistance
*New: 13 Speed
*New: +2 Delay-Adjusted Damage on All Magical or Martial Attacks
- T4
*160 Armor (Unchanged)
*160 to 700 Health (+540)
*120 Power and 80 Strength to 160 Power or 160 Strength (+40/80, Conditional)
*120 Focus and 80 Dexterity to 160 Focus or 160 Dexterity (+40/80, Conditional)
*60 to 120 Ethereal Resistance (+60)
*New: 17 Speed
*New: +3 Delay-Adjusted Damage on All Magical or Martial Attacks
- T5
*200 Armor (Unchanged)
*200 to 910 Health (+710)
*150 Power and 100 Strength to 200 Power or 200 Strength (+50/100, Conditional)
*150 Focus and 100 Dexterity to 200 Focus or 200 Dexterity (+50/100, Conditional)
*90 to 150 Ethereal Resistance (+60)
*New: 21 Speed
*New: +4 Delay-Adjusted Damage on All Magical or Martial Attacks
- T6
*240 Armor (Unchanged)
*1240 to 1120 Health (-120)
*180 Power and 240 Strength to 240 Power or 240 Strength (+40/0, Conditional)
*180 Focus and 240 Dexterity to 240 Power or 240 Strength (+40/0, Conditional)
*120 to 180 Ethereal Resistance (+60)
*25 Speed (Unchanged)
*New: +5 Delay-Adjusted Damage on All Magical or Martial Attacks


- Staggering Howl is now a self-targeted ability that hits all enemies within 20m. Staggered debuffs are now known as Slightly/Greatly Staggered.
- Varrantoth's Blessing now recycles every 60s (down from 45 minutes)
- Long Shot now has a better description that is consistent across tiers.
- Chaos Strike IX no longer has a delay value and had its damage increased by 5 (50 to 55) so that it lines up with the rest of the Chaos Strike abilities.
- Beaming and Gleaming Blade Shields now have correct block values.
- Life Strike 6 to 8 will now cap the amount of healing like the lower tiered versions.
- Lialione the Guardian Trainer will no longer mention tasks.
- Cole Tomason the Guardian Trainer will no longer mention "further adventures".
- Chain Attack 2 now has a description.
- Chain Attack 1 no longer does extra damage in Offensive Stance (none of the other chain attack versions had this).
- Cleric now gains Improved Healing which increases the maximum chance for critical heals by 1.5x.
- Healer now gains Exceptional Healing which increases the maximum chance for critical heals by 2x.
- Crossbowman and Wizard now gain Improved Criticals which increases the maximum chance for critical hits by 1.5x.
- Berserker now gains Exceptional Criticals which increases the maximum chance for critical hits by 2x.
- Warrior and Ranger now gain Improved Parry which increases the maximum chance to parry an attack by 1.5x.
- BattleMage now gains Exceptional Parry which increases the maximum chance to parry an attack by 2x.
- Knight of Creation and Warrior now gain Improved Block which increases the maximum chance to block an attack by 1.5x.
- Spearman now gains Exceptional Block which increases the maximum chance to block an attack by 2x.
- Blinding Shot now adds additional damage to a hit for all tiers.
- Armor Piercing Shot and Armor Piercing Strike will now mitigate 15% of the target's armor for non-magical attacks.
- Missile Master now adds +5 DPS instead of +14 damage.
- Power Strike 3 to 10 now gives greater damage on a hit (was 15 to 50, now is 24 to 80) and does 10% greater damage when in Offensive Stance (instead of a flat +damage bonus).
- Phoenix Rising I now has a 2 second pre-delay like its succeeding abilities, as intended.
- Soul Anchor now lasts 60 seconds (down from a lot), can no longer be dispelled, but provides a 30s temporary immunity after it fades.
- Spell: Taint can now be applied to any ranged blight spell.
- Soul Elusiveness spells no longer share Soul Shield spells recycle time.
- Primalist's Shell can no longer be removed by special attacks.
- Acidic Touch is no longer removed by abilities like Expulse or Breath of Lightning.
- Inspire Vitality III and IV now apply the correct versions of Inspired Vitality (was 1 tier lower than intended).
- Paladins can now wield maces and hammers
- Paladins can now cast the "Health" line of spells
- Cleave now causes a bleed on a hit and no longer has a penalty to accuracy, but only increases damage by 150%.
- Warrior, Paladin, Reaver, Spearman and Knight of Creation now receive Cleave I at level 13 and Cleave II at level 33. Additional tiers of Cleave have been added at levels 53, 73 and 93.
- Berserker and Chaos Warrior now receive Cleave I at level 12 and Cleave II at level 32. Additional tiers of Cleave have been added at levels 52, 72 and 92.
- Left-Hands, Tomes and Defensive Dragon Claws from the Guild of the Artifact Hunters now only accept their dedicated socket techniques.
- Cleanse (all tiers of the spell technique) now has 100% chance of applying. Note: it will still perform the tier comparison to determine the chance of a dispel.
- Earthen Crust spell now qualifies as a buff and can be techniqued with Cleanse.
- Spell: Accuracy technique now has a chance to guarantee a hit that cannot be dodged, parried or even blocked.
- A new technique, Spell: Puncture, has been added to spellcraft vendors and the tier 5 loot tables.This technique gives a spell the capability to penetrate a percentage of arcane, mystical and armor mitigation on the target when the spell hits.
- Created four more tiers of the spell, Burning Sky. Burning Sky I is now usable with a flame skill of 110 and level 11. Beginner and Journeyman formulas are available on select trainers while Expert is available as tier 5 loot.
- A new weapon type, Warbows and Greatbows, have been added to the game and are intended for use by Elemental Archer players. These are similar to existing longbows and composite longbows, but are magical in nature (using focus and power instead of dexterity and strength).
- Blight Bolt V now properly deals blight damage instead of mind.
- Beetle Wing-Membranes using the passive ability "Collect Wing-Membranes" and "Avaraldo's Potion of Alacrity" will now drop less frequently.
- Hardened Wing-Membrane abilities won't override Active: Beetle Damage abilities anymore.
- The Wolf's Bane crystal now requires an adventure rating of 100 (instead of level 90) and no longer details its inner workings in the description (which was inconsistent with the tooltip markup).
- Baubles and buffs have been given new descriptions that are more lore-focused and the conflicts note has been updated to be consistent.
- The bauble, Holy Armament of Istara, is now known as Mother's Shield.
- The bauble, Istara's Gait, is now known as Trickster's Gait.
- Bachanatus' Hooves trinket buff will now properly tick every 6s to dispel any roots.
- Mystical Ward of Istara buff is now known as the "Istara's Radiant Barrier" and has an updated description.
- Mystical Ward of Istara trinket is now known as the Sigil of Istara's Radiance and has an updated description.
- Eytelira's Screen of the Arcanist/Fighter/Mystic now have an 1800 second duration (up from 900 seconds)
- Ignore Mysticism now has a duration of 1800 seconds (up from 900 seconds)
- Arcane Refusal now has a duration of 1800 seconds (up from 900 seconds)
- Countercheck Primal now has a duration of 1800 seconds (up from 900 seconds)
- Updated the description of the passive Claw Mastery abilities.
- Updated the description of Staggering Howl with something more lore-appropriate.
- Dranok's Doom story quests now require an adventure rating of 100 instead of current level.
- The following spells don't use Augmentation skill anymore as it's not part of their requirements:
*Gift of Arcanist
*Gift of Artistry
*Gift of Builder
*Gift of Creator
*Gift of Harvest
*Gift of Knowledge
*Gift of Stargazer
- Bolster Potions have been given a small facelift.
*Bolster Armor is now known as the Potion of Ryson's Vanguard and the buffs are known as Ryson's Vanguard.
*Bolster Health is now known as the Dragon's Draught and the buffs are known as Dragon's Endurance.
*Bolster Power is now known as Niatha's Potion of Power and the buffs are known as Niatha's Power.
*Bolster Focus is now known as the Potion of Assiduity and the buffs are known as Steadfast Focus.
*Bolster Dexterity is now known as the Potion of the Nimble and the buffs are known as Grace.
*Bolster Strength is now known as the Potion of Might and the buffs as Infusion of Might.
- Crystalshaper damage, resistance, and ward crystal icons have been redone. Instead of going from shattered to complete to glowing, they now use a dual-color system.
*The exterior of all crystals now match the tier of azulyte they are crafted from. For example, tier one is green for viridian.
*The interior of damage crystals now use the same tint as the jewelry skill crystals, keeping consistency in colors associated with each skill and related damage.
*Resistance and ward crystals use an updated color scheme associated with physical, arcane, mystic, and ethereal damage classes.

Weapon Damage Variance Adjustments

A complaint we have occasionally heard is that some weapons have exceptionally high variance in damage output. While randomness is inherent to any combat system, we wanted to create more consistency in damage from weapons.
For example, Demonogii had a minimum damage of 100 and a maximum of 160. With a character with a rating of over 170, this resulted in damage values that ranged from 152 to 449. After the change, which adjusted the min and max damage of the weapon to 120 and 140, the resulting damage values in tests were 178 to 408. Still a wide range, primarily due to the influence of strength and weapon skill, but a little more under control and consistent.
We understand that changing damage on items can cause some anxiety, but we want to assure you that we have worked to keep the DPS of the items the same and that in tests the total and average damage was nearly the same as well
Below is a list of all impacted weapons and their old vs new damage values, this is only an initial set of changes and more may follow in upcoming updates.

- Chaos Claw (60-90 to 70-80)
- Claw of Summoning (25-35 to 27-33)
- Cursed Maul of Desecration (100-175 to 125-150)
- Demon's Blood Battle-Axe (125-205 to 150-180)
- Demonbane Spike (65-95 to 72-88)
- Demonogii (100-160 to 120-140)
- Elial's Thorn (ghostly blade) (40-65 to 47-60)
- Elial's Thorn (metal blade) (40-65 to 47-60)
- Fiery Maul of Determination (100-175 to 122-153)
- Power Glove (35-63 to 44-54)
- Power Sword (35-63 to 44-54)
- Reklar's Cudgel of Power (80-115 to 90-105)
- The Zealot (80-140 to 98-122)
- Valkor's Blood Sword (120-175 to 140-155)
- Soul of Kimak Torin (37-65 to 46-56)
- Training staff (4-7 to 5-6)
- Staff of Gulnor (4-7 to 5-6)
- Shimmering Claymore (75-119 to 94-100)
- Shimmering Scimitar (40-81 to 56-65)
- Riftrender (91-143 to 106-128)
- Radiant Claymore (91-145 to 106-130)
- Radiant Scimitar (46-95 to 66-75)
- Pallid Claymore (24-59 to 38-45)
- Pallid Scimitar (18-33 to 23-28)
- Gleaming Claymore (40-71 to 50-61)
- Gleaming Scimitar (25-50 to 34-41)
- Dusky Claymore (19-28 to 21-26)
- Dusky Scimitar (7-13 to 9-11)
- Dusky Broadsword (Summoned) (7-13 to 9-11)
- Beaming Claymore (58-90 to 66-82)
- Beaming Scimitar (33-66 to 45-54)
- Wolf Killer's Short Sword (3-6 to 4-5)
- Tanned Leather Hand Wraps (22-32 to 25-29)
- Tanned Hide Hand Wraps (19-28 to 21-25)
- Sun Blade (20-42 to 28-34)
- Steelsilk Cloth Hand Wraps (48-78 to 58-68)
- Silken Cloth Hand Wraps (32-49 to 36-45)
- Silken Padded Hand Wraps (34-53 to 40-47)
- Cedar Crossbow (8-12 to 9-11)
- Cedar Longbow (5-8 to 6-7)
- Bronze Hand Axe (6-10 to 7-9)
- Bronze Long Sword (5-9 to 6-8)
- Bronze Two-Handed Sword (10-14 to 11-13)


- Corrected an incorrect skill requirement on the formula Expert Platemail Chestguard.
- Resistance Scrolls now create 2 scrolls per batch, like all other scroll formulae, instead of 1.
- Crystals of Gathering (that boost your gathering speed) can now be found on loot tables.
- Cobalt and platinum no longer spawn in the main crater on the Island of Fire.
- Obsidian now spawns in both rich and motherlode nodes in the main crater on the Island of Fire.
- Fixed required resources for Imbued Scales of the Breeze in Journeyman and Expert Imbued Scale of Enhancement.
- Bottle Cap Collecting formula now properly displays Hunting Knife instead of Istarian Army Knife as required tool.
- Adjusted the coin value of all suit and outfit formulas (some went up, others went down).
- Added Steelsilk Cargo Suit formula to the Tier 6 loot tables.
- Adamantium Springs in Master Invisible Cargo Cap formula now requires 10 at minimum skill instead of 19.
- Added Rich Essence Residues to following areas:
*Isle of Wisps
*Lesser Aradoth
*Abandoned Island
*Mambow Point
*Observatory Outpost
*Pleasant Canyon
*Shelter Pass
*Balit's Isle
*Feladan Woods
*Island of Falathien
*Drakul (Green Delta)
*Yew Forest
*Aradoth Frontier
- Audited the prices of many master level formulae to be more consistent with endgame costs. Many went up and some went down. The breakdown is as follows:
*Adamantium-Mithril Bar - 400s to 525s (1.3x)
*Collection: Fabric Backpack Pouch - Unique Shades - 20s to 2g (100x)
*Dragon Journal Collection - 100s to 3g (30x)
*Dwarven Relic Collection - 100s to 3g (30x)
*Energized Dark Azulyte - 375s to 525s (1.4x)
*Exotic Appetizer: Krisstelle's Sea'esta Salad - 25g to 2g 500s (0.1x)
*Exotic Dessert: Krisstelle's Coconut Lava Flow - 25g to 2g 500s (0.1x)
*Exotic Main Dish: Krisstelle's Shoreline Coconut Crab - 25g to 2g 500s (0.1x)
*Exotic Side: Krisstelle's Avocado Lobster Chowder - 25g to 2g 500s (0.1x)
.The above four formulae had such a cost reduction that we will be refunding the difference to everyone that currently owns them.
*Expert Key - 3s 750c to 2g (533.3x)
*Feberlock Fungus Processing - 320s to 1g 600s (5x)
*Master Alchemical Dye: Antique Colors - 300s to 525s (1.8x)
*Master Alchemical Dye: Azulyte Colors - 300s to 525s (1.8x)
*Master Alchemical Dye: Copper Colors - 300s to 525s (1.8x)
*Master Alchemical Dye: Khaki Colors - 300s to 525s (1.8x)
*Master Alchemical Dye: Purple Colors - 300s to 525s (1.8x)
*Master Alchemical Dye: Steel Blue Colors - 300s to 525s (1.8x)
*Master Alchemical Gem Powder - 100s to 525s (5.3x)
*Master Alchemical Metal Powder - 100s to 525s (5.3x)
*Master Blighted Cut Gem Cleansing - 260s to 2g (7.7x)
*Master Blighted Essence Orb Cleansing - 260s to 2g (7.7x)
*Master Blighted Fabric Spool Cleansing - 260s to 2g (7.7x)
*Master Blighted Metal Bar Cleansing - 260s to 2g (7.7x)
*Master Blighted Stone Brick Cleansing - 260s to 2g (7.7x)
*Master Blighted Wood Board and Bark Cleansing - 260s to 2g (7.7x)
*Master Cargo Belt - 137s 500c to 2g (14.5x)
*Master Cargo Boots - 212s 500c to 2g (9.4x)
*Master Cargo Cap - 187s 500c to 2g (10.7x)
*Master Cargo Leggings - 262s 500c to 2g (7.6x)
*Master Cargo Sleeves - 237s 500c to 2g (8.4x)
*Master Cargo Tunic - 287s 500c to 2g (7x)
*Master Cargo Wristband - 162s 500c to 2g (12.3x)
*Master Cast Stone - 105s to 525s (5x)
*Master Cooking Knife - 375s to 3g 750s (10x)
*Master Crystalline Lattice - 260s to 2g 600s (10x)
*Master Crystallized Brick - 256s to 525s (2.1x)
*Master Dragon Scale Repair - 400s to 2g (5x)
*Master Dragon Tool Claw - 390s 625c to 3g 750s (9.6x)
*Master Energized Azulyte - 562s 500c to 525s (0.9x)
*Master Engraving - 562s 500c to 525s (0.9x)
*Master Excoriation - 210s to 2g 100s (10x)
*Master Fabric Backpack Pouch - 76s to 2g (26.3x)
*Master Flowstone - 260s to 2g 600s (10x)
*Master Flying Cargo Disk - 562s 500c to 3g 125s 10c (5.6x)
*Master Focused Azulyte Crystal - 80s to 525s (6.6x)
*Master Imbued Bar - 210s to 2g 100s (10x)
*Master Imbued Brick - 562s 500c to 525s (0.9x)
*Master Invisible Cargo Cap - 187s 500c to 2g (10.7x)
*Master Jewelry and Scale Tech Kit: Myloc Rune - 187s 500c to 2g 500s (13.3x)
*Master Jewelry Repair - 500s to 2g (4x)
*Master Laminate - 562s 500c to 525s (0.9x)
*Master Leather Weapon Repair - 500s to 3g 750s (7.5x)
*Master Lodestone - 105s to 525s (5x)
*Master Maelstone - 260s to 2g 600s (10x)
*Master Metal Gears - 250s to 525s (2.1x)
*Master Metal Hinges - 266s to 525s (2x)
*Master Metal Springs - 258s to 525s (2x)
*Master Metal Struts - 274s to 525s (1.9x)
*Master Metal Weapon Repair: Axes and Maces - 500s to 3g 750s (7.5x)
*Master Metal Weapon Repair: Swords and Spear - 500s to 3g 750s (7.5x)
*Master Nielenoss's Cargo Flyer - 750s to 3g 125s 10c (4.2x)
*Master Papyrus Sheet - 240s to 2g 400s (10x)
*Master Primal Essence - 210s to 2g 100s (10x)
*Master Recharge Cell - 125s to 525s (4.2x)
*Master Standard Cargo Disk - 1s 200c to 3g 125s (2604.2x)
*Master Tinkering Spanner - 375s to 3g 750s (10x)
*Master Tri-Cut Gem - 105s to 525s (5x)
*Master Wooden Weapon Repair - 500s to 3g 750s (7.5x)
*Myloc Ally - 187s 500c to 2g 500s (13.3x)
*Purified Essence Powder - 325s to 525s (1.6x)
*Shadow Essence Orb - 320s to 1g 600s (5x)
*Shard of Freedom - 162s 500c to 3g 250s (20x)
*Stone Bowl - 375s to 525s (1.4x)

Plots & Lairs

- Lair chambers and Oddities Brokers player structures containing old dragon hoard pile have been reviewed and replaced with new coin piles and treasure chests.
- Sslik Walkways now use marble and granite instead of sandstone and slate.
- Stone Walkways now use granite instead of sandstone.
- Fiendish Wall, 8 meters now uses obsidian and cobalt instead of sandstone, dim essence and bronze.
- Fiendish Wall Corner now uses obsidian and cobalt instead of sandstone, dim essence and bronze.
- Frozen Pond now use Ice Spheres and Ice Sources instead of Dim Spheres and Dim Sources.
- Trellis Wall with flowers has been renamed to Trellis Flower Wall - Pink. This wall has been upgraded to have real flower models instead of flat texture.
- Silo Trellis Wall with flowers, regular has been renamed to Medium Silo Trellis Flower Wall - Pink. This wall has been upgraded to have real flower models instead of flat texture.
- Silo Trellis Wall with flowers, wide has been renamed to Large Silo Trellis Flower Wall - Pink. This wall has been upgraded to have real flower models instead of flat texture.
- Inner Sanctum residents now have a chance to drop Merrasat's Gaze Depiction Pattern, an item required in building of Merrasat's Gaze mural and banner.
- Imperial Pawnbrokers now sell formula: Woodburned Welcome Sign and resource: Woodburning Stencil: Welcome
- Berrina Roundshine <Gnomekindle Decoration Vendor> has moved in New Koraelia Winter Season with other Cashiers, and now sells various Ornaments required in plot building decoration.
- Present Decorations have received some renames:
*Winter Festival Decoration: Tiny Presents to Winter Festival Decoration: Red-Green Tiny Presents.
*Winter Festival Decoration: Small Presents to Winter Festival Decoration: Red-Green Small Presents.
*Winter Festival Decoration: Medium Presents to Winter Festival Decoration: Red-Green Medium Presents.
*Winter Festival Decoration: Large Presents to Winter Festival Decoration: Red-Green Large Presents.
- Libraries have been given an upgrade:
*Raised the construction limit of lair libraries to 2 of each
*Raised the construction limit of plot libraries to 4 of each
*Storage limits of libraries are now 150, 250 and 400 (was 50, 100, 150) and the bulk limit has been raised to 9999 for all structures.
- Monuments of the Brave fixes:
*Dim Essence Spheres and DIm Essence Sources now properly required Enchanting skill and an Essence Focus tool to be applied to the Monument of the Brave.
*Fixed skill requirements, number of units and experience gain for applied resources on the Monument of the Brave and the Lair T0 Chamber - Monument of the Brave.
- New plot and lair items:
*Walkways in Elven, Dryad, Dwarven, Fiendish, Gnomish, Half-Giant, Human, Saris, Satyr and Sslik styles, multiple variants for each.
*Walkways with water elements, in Tazoon and natural Stream styles.
*Jagged Stone Flooring Tiles - these have fading edges, merging better with terrain underneath
*Fiendish Walls
*Sslik Fountain
*Saris Fountain
*Adobe Firepot
*Ornate Tombstone with Text
*Rustic Simple Bench
*Welcome Sign - Basket
*Welcome Sign - /w Gnomes
*Welcome Sign - Standalone
*Welcome Sign - /w Skull and Tree
*Tree, Large Bent Willow
*Stepping Stones
*More Presents colors: minty-purple, blue-yellow, brown-pink, white-gold and black-gold
*Stone Flooring Dried Grass
*Desert Scrub Grass
*Elephant Grass, Black & Elephant Grass, Snowy
*Piles w/ Wheelbarrow on Top
*Essence Flower
*Shovel - Fallen
*Shovel - Propped
*Wagon Wheel - Fallen
*Wagon Wheel - Propped
*Trellis Flower Wall - Blue, Dark Purple, Yellow
*Trellis Flower Wall - Double, Triple, Quadruple, Quintuple
*Medium Silo Trellis Flower Wall - Blue, Dark Purple, Yellow
*Large Silo Trellis Flower Wall - Blue, Dark Purple, Yellow
*Epic Display: Volcanic Anchor
*Lair T6 Trophy Chamber - Volcanic Anchor
*Banner: Merrasat's Gaze
*Lair Mural Merrasat's Gaze
*Lair Mural General Reklar Plaguebearer - Green
*Lair Mural General Reklar Plaguebearer - Red
*Autumn Trellis
*Autumn Wooden Archway with Ivy
*Autumn Wooden Large Archway with Ivy
*Autumn Gazebos
*Bushel of Apples/Potatoes/Onions/Pumpkins
*Root Cellar, T3 and T5
*Snowy Hedges
*Snowy Wooden Archway with Ivy
*Snowy Wooden Large Archway with Ivy
*Snowy Lamps
*Snowy Gazebos
*Icy Boulders
*Norfolk Snowy Pine Tree
*Stout Snowy Pine Trees
*Snowy Elm Tree
*Snowy Oak Trees
*Snowy Viney Tree
*Snowy Trellis
*Snowy Granite Boulders
*Tree, Fall Red Osier Dogwood
*Tree, Winterberry
*Large Turtle Pond
*Large Frozen Pond
*Bonfire Logs
*Hot Dogs on a Stick
*Hot Dogs Group
*Large Campfire /w Hot Dogs
*Large Campfire /w Hot Dogs & Stumps
*Winter Arrangements
*Snowy Large Tree Planter Arrangements
*Gnomekindle Styled decorations:
.Gnomekindle Hedges
.Gnomekindle Small Statue: Satyr with a Wreath
.Gnomekindle Small Statue: Doe and Buck
.Gnomekindle Small Statue: Dragon with a Wreath
.Gnomekindle Small Statue: Joyous Hatchling with a Wreath
.Gnomekindle Medium Statue: Deer Family
.Gnomekindle Medium Statue: Light of Gnomekindle
.Gnomekindle Medium Statue: Playful Hatchlings with Heart Ornament
.Gnomekindle Large Statue: Snow Globe with Deer
.Gnomekindle Large Statue: Playful Hatchlings with Heart Ornament
.Gnomekindle Wooden Archway with Ivy
.Gnomekindle Wooden Large Archway with Ivy
.Gnomekindle Gazebos
.New Year Tent w/Fireworks
.Snowmen and Trees Tent
.Gnomekindle Trees Tent
.Large Gnomekindle Tent w/Candy Canes
.Large New Year Tent w/Fireworks
.Large Snowmen and Trees Tent
.Large Gnomekindle Trees Tent

Epic Content

- General Reklar Plaguebearer has been given a visual overhaul with a unique texture, head shape, and effects. His pet and severed head decoration have been updated to reflect this change.
- All Epic Cores now have redone icons that follow a new pattern.
- Fafnir's Scorch can no longer be blocked, parried, dodged or reflected.
- Demonic Embrace will no longer trigger on spells and now heals for 2% of maximum health (down from 10%)
- Flame Elemental Ally and Surtheim Fragment Ally changes:
*Aura of Resilience has been renamed to Flaming Aura of Arcane Resilience.
*Flame Resilience has been renamed to Flaming Arcane Resilience.
*Flaming Aura of Arcane Resilience now grants a permanent 50 Arcane Resistance bonus when the Surtheim pets are equipped, but only grants Flaming Arcane Resilience (temporary bonus) to group members.
*Pets descriptions have been updated accordingly.


- Flame Horrors in the Fiery Rift now have a greater chance to drop Hoardables and Fiery Tokens and will no longer drop blighted items.
- Lost Elders in the Fiery Rift now have a greater chance to drop Fiery Tokens and will no longer drop broken items.
- Tempest Elementals have had their health decreased by 25%.
- Forgotten Chests will no longer spawn in the Queen's chamber of the birthing chamber in the Myloc Colony.
- Some Derelict Automaton spawns near New Rachival will now only spawn automatons.
- Some Renegade Technomancer spawns near New Rachival will now only spawn technomancers.
- Spawns of Crimson Wolves, Kheprit Beetles, Pyrios Beetles and Volcanic Pustules have been expanded and rebalanced on the Island of Fire.
- Deadly Sting Attacks abilities (all tiers) are now single target.
- Withering Touch (debuff) no longer caps skills at 0, but instead is a 30s blight DoT.
- Aegror debuff, Degradation, is now known as Degraded, has a consistent duration, reduces outgoing damage by 25% (all tiers) and will now have its tier determined correctly by the dispel system.
- Aegror debuff, Festering Sores, now lasts for 60s (instead of varying from 30 to 60), will no longer conflict with other blight DoTs, will now have its tier determined correctly by the dispel system, no longer does unstoppable damage, and has adjusted damage per tick.
- Enemy debuff, Blighted Vision, is now known as Obscured and lasts for 60s (down from 30-150s). There are now tiered versions to go with the number of abilities. Users of the ability will display a casting bar now.
- Enemy debuff, Blighted Atrophy, will now be more consistent in its duration (no deviation) and once again impacts delay by reducing martial and magical alacrity.
- Enemy debuffs from Enervating Morbidae, Dystrophy, Tendrilitus, Languish and Vexation, will now be more consistent in its duration (no deviation).
- Enervating Morbidae debuffs (Dystrophy, Languish, Tendrilitus and Vexation) will now be more random if they proc at the end of their timer.
- Enemy debuff, Languish, will once again impact delay by reducing martial and magical alacrity.
- All monsters have had a review of their classification, and should now correctly display their type (Animal, Insect, Aegis Animate, Aegis Construct, Undead, Elemental & Semi Intelligent).
*There will still be monsters which currently do not display a classification, ones that do not fit any of the above, these will display a proper unique classification further down the road.
- All monsters have had a check on their associated emotions for the Crystalshaper Inspire abilities, the different classifications should now all drop the correct type of slivers.
- Toggoth the Thunderer has his own patrol now, separately from the main Thunder/Lightning/Tempest blight spawn in the Eastern Deadlands.
- Named spider bosses have each gained their own unique ability.


- Decorative instance NPCs have been added to Aughundell.
- Decorative instance NPCs have been added to New Koraelia Celebration Grounds.
- Painted underwater reflections around Island of Falathien, Summoner's Isle and Island of Fire.
- Fixed gaps in between the bridge segments leading to the Balit's Island portal.
- Island of Fire has been decorated.
- Fixed terrain hole near Last Stand.
- Fixed road texture issue in Sandstone Bluffs.
- Changes to Genevia Town (the central community of Genevia):
*Genevia Town has been decorated.
*Plots and lairs merged and expanded.
*Many big and small community projects; some with function.
- Mithril's Anvil and areas:
*Mithril's Anvil has been decorated. The two lairs have been slightly resized.
*Mithril Canyons has been decorated. Buildable silos can be found at the entrance of Canyons in Mithril's Anvil Operation.
*Old Oaks has been decorated.
*Wolf's Paw has been decorated. Plots and lair have been resized

Miscellaneous Changes & Fixes

- The 'Shield of' scrolls and the associated buffs have received a face-lift with new effects and icons.
- Updated the Platinum and Gold Filigree Jewelry abilities, augmentations, and items to refer to them as Adornments instead of Accents, to avoid confusion with Dragon character creation accents.
- The sign referencing the Filigree Adornments in the Imperial Changing Room now refers to them as Adornments instead of Accents.
- Added flavor descriptions to some Festival of the Brave items that were lacking them.
- Increased the base coin price of the Anniversary Cake to be higher than its constituent slices.
- The Imperial Changing Room's entryway is now positioned the same as other changing room entries. Its teleport in, from Gizl, now places you by the gate as well.
- The Imperial Changing Room's teleporter now returns you to Gizl instead of where Taranae once stood.
- Removed the conflict with costumes and polymorphs on Platinum and Gold Filigree adornments. Please note that it will not appear on most costumes and is still layered below cosmetic armor sold by the fashion designers.
- Adornments and cosmetic auras will no longer fade on death.
- Increased the vault range to 20 meters for vaultkeepers Abby Bibbletonk, Sienna and Jonas Albion.
- Updated Gaarius, the Half-Giant Cenotaph, to refer to Daggarth, the god of Strength instead of the "God of Strength" generically.
- Updated Siggurd, the Dwarven Cenotaph, to say he is from Aughundell, instead of the Granitefall Mountains as there are no Dwarves in that mountain range.
- Ulaven's Experimental Fire Shield, Ulaven's Experimental Gift of Wisdom, Spell of Pathfinding, Minor Cure Blight Poison, Erelald's Experimental Gift of Devotion, Primal Restoration will now warn you if you try to delete them.
- Minor Cure Blight Poison and Primal Restoration no longer have a coin or hoard value and cannot be sold or hoarded.
- Fixed a missing tint on Main: Alis' Squirrel Stew.
- All Loose Sand Deposits will now consistently display sandy decal underneath.
- Bioscholar's Trophy Belt has been marked as an antiquated trophy and given a name and description update to reflect that.
- Dark variants of socketable crystals now use a darker icon to visually distinguish them from the light variants.
- A large amount of items, quests, and titles that still used "Dragon Crafter" in their names and descriptions have been properly updated to say "Artisan" instead.
*This includes Grand Master Dragon Crafter, which has been refashioned into Grand Master Artisan.
- Efimia Saloniana now refers to banes as deleterious effects rather than delirious effects.
- Travel Scrolls (Dralk, Kirasanct, Feladan, New Rachival, Aughundell and Mahagra) now require you to have attuned to the specific location.
- Fixed a layering issue introduced in the last update that caused stripes to no longer appear on the dragon's black- and white-striped scarves. The icons will still not show stripes when dyed as this is a separate issue.
- Changed the layering of cosmetic items so that the biped filigree will show over top of most armor, excluding boots and bracers.
- Most skill-related and azulyte tints have been given some minor edits to give more depth to their color. This will not affect dye kits to avoid changing player cosmetic choices.
- We took a sweep over existing titles in the game, cleaning up a few mistakes and converting the few remaining emblems into title abilities.
*The Festival of the Brave titles no longer use "the" - for instance, your title will now read "Player, Empire's Valiant Claws". This is to fix an issue with the longer titles not displaying the last letter.
*The Vandus Militia title now reads 'of the Vandus Militia' instead of ', Vandus Militia Member'.
*Corrected a double space in the title 'Acolyte of Varrantoth'.
*Prefixed the title 'Imperial Sell Sword' with a comma.
*All remaining legacy emblems have been converted into the modern ability title system and any remaining emblems on characters in the game have been replaced with abilities.
.Emblem: (Legacy): Baela's Evocator of Epochs
.Emblem: (Legacy): Istarian Actor's Guild Member
.Emblem: (Legacy): Bard of Ballads
.Emblem: (Legacy): Defender of Istaria
.Emblem: (Legacy): Baela's Celebrity Deathpoint
.Emblem: (Legacy): Baela's Dulcet Dignitary
.Emblem: (Legacy): Baela's Rhyming Rhapsodist
.Emblem: (Legacy): Baela Unmentionable
.Emblem: (Legacy): Teller of Tales (2008)
.Emblem: (Legacy): Masker of Disguise (2008)
.(Legacy): Emblem: Tale Teller (2005)
.Emblem: (Legacy): Masker of Disguise (2005)
*The obsolete title 'Istarian Actor's Guild Member' now displays the suffix 'of the Istarian Actor's Guild' as the original was cut off when displayed.
*Corrected the obsolete title 'Baela's Evocator of Epochs' to be a suffix instead of a prefix, as it seems to have been intended.
*Converted the rare title "Envoy of Aubadrine" into a proper title that can be used instead of being melded inseparably into a character's name.
*Removed the title effect for the legacy 'Herald' title to avoid future confusion if any heralds return to the game. The emblem has not been removed, however, and the description has been updated to reflect the program's retirement.


- Boar's Rage, buff given by obsolete Boar's Hide Mask, will now increase damage by 1.25x (down from 2x)
- Cloak of Moss, debuff given by obsolete Moss-covered club, will now increase incoming flame damage by 1.25x (down from 2x) and will only heal 1/2 as much as before per tick.

Typos & Grammar Fixes

- Quest "Go Bag 5 Roaming Squirrel Toes" has been properly renamed to "Go Bag 5 Roaming Arbotus Squirrel Toes".
- Added directions to Baric in Breath of Acid: Caution Contents Hot.
- Adjusted the wording of the feedback message sent when finding Ayrindar's gauntlet in Relic of Silvane.
- Adjusted wording of some of the feedback messages in The Curse of Silvane (Part 1) to read better.
- Miscellaneous typos:
*Quest "The Relic of Silvane".
*Quest "The Curse of Silvane (Part 1)".
*Moderately Punctured (debuff from Punctured I)
*Quest "Rare Foods: Basil the Rat".
*Quest "Rare Foods: The Ginseng Files".
*Medallion of the Storms description.
*Expert Metal Weapon Repair: Swords and Spear formula name.
*Quest "Priscilla the Shoulder Parrot"

Known Issues

- Bane of Androgos tech kit does not make a clear change on weapon tooltips that it makes the damage work as Magical.
- Armor Piercing Shot & Armor Piercing Attack do not show their armor penetration correctly in tooltip.
- Spell Tech: Puncture tooltip is incorrect (wrong values, and only showing 2 of the penetrations, mislabeling Mystical Penetration as "Mitigation Penetration")
- Staggering Howl currently reports any target as invalid, making it unusable.
- Augmentations from Varrantoth's Blessing override each-other, this isn't what we intended with the change (initially looking at a conflict) but we're still discussing internally how to move forward with this ability.
- Weapon wielding enemies (like the undead) may not display their attack animations properly.

Previous Hotfixes

The following changes were hotfixed to the live servers but not documented, included is also the date of the hotfix.

- Nah'guk Warrior's Jawbone is no longer attuned. (Hotfixed 13/12/2024)
- Lealta now accepts the new Event Tokens as currency for trades. (Hotfixed 13/12/2024)
- Armor and Scale Tech Kit: Blighted Stone Shard properly grants a Mystical Resistance bonus instead of an Arcane Resistance one. (Hotfixed 02/01/2025)
- The Clown Head Scale will once more create its tech kit version when used. (hotfixed 2025/01/26)

Source :


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