Patch sur Blight du 14/11/2016 (Delta 290)
Un nouveau patch a fait son apparition sur le serveur de test. Rien de bien remarquable à noter, juste des ajustements et des correctifs:
- Myloc Harbringer Heart is now known as Myloc Harbinger Heart
- Myloc Harbringer Claw is now known as Myloc Harbinger Claw
- Adamantium Golem drops have been alligned with the loot system
- Avariatus' Quest: Claw Up The Local Spiders now refers to Brown Spiders rather than Brown Spider Hatchlings
- Adjusted the spawn rate of Ul’zilgat Fyakki in the Eastern Deadlands
- Evolved Fyakki now have a whirlwind attack
- Ul'Zilgat Broodmasters now spawn amongst the other Ul'Zilgat Fyakki
- Defiled Graves around the Tower of Healing now properly work with the "Avenge the Fallen" quest series.
- Recovered Memories can now be properly collected while on the "Memories of the Forgotten" quests.
- Sinth, the Alpha Jade Snarler now spawns SW of Tazoon and SE of The Great Battle
- Dimensional Pocket IX: Deliver Supplies to the Guards will now properly prevent the use of teleporters. The 45 minute timer now works correctly.
- Trials of the Gifted: Test of Endurance - The item given 'Weight of the World' now has a very large bulk that will overburden you and slow you down as intended.
- Defiled Graves create a resource called Enchanted Grave Dust.
- Consuming Enchanted Grave Dust gives effect: Grave Miasma
- Enraged Souls can only be damaged while under the effect of Grave Miasma.
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