Patch sur Blight du 01/07/2022 (Delta 315.3) et Live patch du 19/07/2022
Une nouvelle vague de correctifs a été appliqués au serveur de test. Une grande partie concerne le nouveau contenu de Stronghold of Nature.
Edit: le patch a été appliqué sur les serveurs réguliers le 19/07/2022.
- Flowers in Desert's Edge no longer grow inside Artifact of Wood
- Ayios and Khania in Kirasanct now sell journeyman formulas instead of expert
- Thought Capture ability now properly works. It requires mind damage to be triggered.
- Danaos in Delgarath now sells Niatha's Blessing VI.
- Fixed directions in quest "Dralnok's Doom (Chapter 2): Delgarath".
- Fixed directions in quest "Biggletorque: The Secret of Skeleton Keys".
- Gozar's Blessing scrolls:
*Players don't have to craft them by themselves anymore in quest "Biggletorque: The Secret of Skeleton Keys".
*They now have a coin value and can be sold at a Consigner.
- Quest "Tower of Magery: Collect Glacial Dire Wolf Claws" can no longer be repeated.
- Increased the spawn weight of Flame Blights within the Tower Siege Zone
- Removed invalid Myloc quests from Gaileach in Aughundell (they are given out at the appropriate time by her near the Myloc Colony)
- Lord Oakwood in quest "Imperial Army: The Package" will now properly open his package
- Typos/grammar fixed:
*Quest "Biggletorque: The Secret of Skeleton Keys".
*Quest "Biggletorque: The Frozen Tower".
*Quest "Where Is My Sister?".
*Quest "Outfitter: Rough Around The Waist".
*Kenal's dialogues.
*Half-Giant Wounded Tower Guard's dialogue.
*Quest "Spiked Scales IV: Chunks of Ice".
- Improved Finagle Biggletorque's hints to guess the requirements for quest "Biggletorque: The Secret of Skeleton Keys".
- Increased the number of Myloc Gatherers and Veterans that spawn within the colony
- The tints for the following tool icons have been adjusted:
*Smelting Tongs
*Sewing Needle
*Jewelry Pliers (texture to be updated later)
*Weaving Awl
- Sigil of Ascent now protects from these abilities that have been renamed for monster versions:
*Gold Rage is now known as Feral Rage.
*Disconcert is now known as Faze.
*Dispirit FoE/Foes are now known as Dismay/Dismay Foes.
*Hamstring is now known as Treachery.
*Crippling Shot is now known as Vicious Shot.
*Breath of Ice is now known as Glacial Breath.
*Wrack is now known as Shattering Blow.
- Quest "Gaileach: The Myloc Queen (Part 5)" awards title Nemesis of The Mylocs again.
- Removed Shielding of The Cabal on the Defiling Anchor in Silvane.
- Fixed quest "Iseru: The Barricades (Part 2)":
*You can't return to Nature Keeper Iseru before collecting the 8 Metallic Plates.
*Added a counter for the Metallic Plates.
*You can't collect plates from the wagons in any order anymore (this could make the quest break).
- Fixed feedback messages in quest "Druidic Order: Protect the Tower".
- "Weapon and Claw Tech Kit: Ezzar's Folly" is now more dangerous to use but has a slightly increased chance to process its damage against monsters.
- Quest "Dralnok's Doom (Chapter 2): The Hammer of Kings" isn't given automatically when completing quest "Dralnok's Doom (Chapter 2): King Dralnok's Fate" anymore. It's given by a new NPC instead to prevent players from being stuck if quest "Dralnok's Doom (Chapter 2): The Hammer of Kings" is dropped. The Quest has also been flagged as removable to match these changes.
- Fixed school requirements display for Tier VI broken scales and Master Dragon Crafter's Scales (and their formulas).
- The formula for Cargo Flyer of Drulkar's Flame is now renamed to match the item.
- Gruk and Fafnir no longer share a spawn once more. Gruk has moved further into the deadlands to the east, patrolling along the path.
- Uprooted floating trees in South Gate have been grounded
- Dragon pillars and crystal formations in Grand Hall attachment will no longer clip through to another chamber (was a problem with Chiconis Grand Hall).
- Meltanis' Prayer changes:
*Spells are now stackable.
*The animation is now working.
- Pile of Imperial Rank Tokens is now known as Pile of Imperial Quartermaster Tokens.
- Fixed some step visibility issues in quest "Jolan's Story: Galt's Blade".
- Any version of Istara's Shield can now be used in quest "Cleric Training 4: Shielded From Foes".
- Fixed Claw Tech Kit: The Stonebreaker constraints.
- Istarian Fungus can now be harvested with a Hunting Knife as quest "Replace the Lost Mushroom" is an adventure quest.
- Thornwood Treants are now more reasonable in their agro range.
- Scorpion Bay:
*Rearranged some protective walls of the harbor area so that plot owners can enjoy the views better (and to give way to overlooks)
*Community projects - buildable Overlooks now extend near plots and onto the bay view
- Adjusted the respawn rate of Obsidian Golems near Aubador to be much faster.
- Adjusted the respawn rate of Mylocs (other than Shaloth's Hierophants) to be faster.
- Added a counter when trying to locate squad members in quest "Cassia: The Fallen Squad".
- Slightly increased the chance to drop a Blighted Soul Fragment in quest "(Repeatable) Tramaniel: Purification by Blight".
- Monster ability Molten Sludge ability is now directed toward players instead of self.
- Fixed title Friend of The Dwarves requirements.
- "Title Bundle: Feelings" is now properly for sale on Anarie.
- Added Ice Elemental Materia trophy quests to Drannor in Aughundell.
- Splendid Cedar Longbow, Exceptional Elm Longbow, Majestic Oak Longbow, Resplendent Maple Longbow and Regal Yew Longbow now accept bow style techniques.
- Elven Store:
*Corrected footprint (was slightly off-center)
*Pawnbroker is now an Elf instead of a Human to match other racial structures
- Monster augmentation Aura of the Dark will now work against non undead races. The bonus damage also now has a higher chance to process.
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