Patch sur Blight du 01/09/11 (Delta 212)
Blight vient d'avoir droit à un nouveau patch de petite taille. Pas de grandes nouveautés au programmes, principalement des ajustements sur l'apparition de certaines ressources.
- Fabric Isle has been revamped and includes the following changes:
*Fabric now spawns in a more consistent pattern, starting with Flax and Kenaf near the bridges to the island.
*The Fabric spawns no longer overlap as they previously did.
*Silk, Ironsilk, and Steelsilk can now be found in small quantites.
- Strawberry and Cranberry spawns on Genevia Island have been address and include the following changes:
*Moved the spawns closer to the road and plots.
*The spawns now occupy far less space (strawberry previously occupied over 16,000 square meters but now occupies around 1/3 of that).
*Both resources are now on a dirt texture so they are more visible.
*Increased the quantity that can spawn by more than 2x.
- Ancient Guardians within Helian's Tomb are now named properly (instead of being named Restless Shades).
- Chickens (not the Giant variety) are no longer aggressive.
- Both Enraged and Wrathful Azular within Helian's Tomb no longer have Beetle abilities, but instead have their own abilities and proper skills/resistances.
- Julie's Bakery in Dalimond will no longer advertise the presence of a Gatherer Trainer.
- Sugarcane can now be found in greater quantities on Genevia and Saritova Islands.
- Kenaf and Elm Trees on Abandoned Island will no longer spawn on the roads or within the buildings.
Source :
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