Mise à jour du client (v384.44.0) et du launcher (v7.3) sur les Live shards

Une nouvelle version du client et du launcher sont disponibles depuis aujourd'hui pour les serveurs réguliers. Les actualités du client n'ayant été que peu traitées jusqu'ici, vous trouverez également une compilation des améliorations apportées depuis une certain temps:

Client 384.44 (Live le 26/06/2012, sur Blight le 20/06/2012)

Client 384.44.0

- Missing Textures in Character Creation will now show up.


Version 7.1
- FIX for new accounts receiving error message on first login attempt.
- Changes to make new support client logic work on Linux / Mac.
- Any logs now placed in the logs folder
- Added Ability to Launch Debug Client to Launcher

Version 7.2
- Added scroll bars to long account list at login.
- JavaLauncher-II UI is no longer too big for some laptops.
- Launcher folder converted to lower case for Mac and Linux compatibility.
- Tidy of logic for detecting multiple instances

Version 7.3
- Display message about running Windows update if system out of date.
- Release Notes will now be properly displayed through Launcher
- When full scan checked, perform full CRC on each file compare, instead of initially checking date.
- Full scan patch will clean up bad png files in world_cache folder
- Optionally send computer specs to server for support.

Client 384.40 (sur Blight, le 23/05/2012)


- Added cycle nearest corpse (cnc) command


- Fix for resource object selection
- Disabled object fading in structure preview window and updated structure preview.
- Saving window positions for closed windows
- Crash fix for composited texture caching

Client 384.39 (sur Blight, le 10/05/2012)

- FEATURE: Added new cycle nearest corpse command
- FIX: Disabled real shadows and object fade in during character creation because some characters were not showing up properly or at all.

Client 384.38 (sur les Live shards le 03/05/2012)

Correctifs supplémentaires:

- Updated the tree bounding box so that it's taller and easier to select.
- Character window, Skills tab, current and base columns will now sort numerically.
- Windows left open when logging out will not be automatically closed (original behavior)

Current Client Fixed Issues:

-  FIXED 384.38 FIX: Performance improvement for areas with high density of objects, especially player towns. ticket:2877
-  FIXED 384.38 Non-collide objects have calculated bounding volume, even though manual volume specified. Should make resource selection much easier. ticket:2869
-  FIXED 384.35 Problems with key mapping for non us-english keyboards ticket:2626
-  FIXED 384.35 Resources sometimes get a very small shadow close to where they meet terrain
-  FIXED 384.35 Window positions are not saved if window is set to auto-open = false ticket:632
-  FIXED 384.33 Blob shadows don't always appear on entities, depending on load order
-  FIXED 384.32 If running in full screen and an exception occurs, the crash dialog is not visible. ticket:2804
-  FIXED 384.32 Khutit <-> Dragon form changing doesn't work ticket:2806
-  FIXED 384.32 Crash in some cases with network messages being extra cleaned up



- FEATURE: Change the color of the quest step active indicator
- FEATURE: If having trouble sending data to server, provide feedback in chat window
- FEATURE: Add command /lasttarget
- FEATURE: Allow objects to fade into scene instead of popping (not all objects can be faded, depending on shader used)
- FEATURE: Added support for querying for monitoring resolution instead of hard coded list
- FEATURE: Showing item icon if no 3D priview is available.
- FEATURE: Re-enabled globalReflectMapEnabled (by default is disabled), part of trying to get worldReflect shaders working
- FEATURE: New texture limiting option, minimumTextureLevel and minimumCharTextureLevel
- FEATURE: Breakpad for uploading crash logs to server
- FEATURE: Added average and max FPS to FPSWindow
- FEATURE: If there are items in storage, do not allow structure to be deleted


- FIX: Allow switching between non-roman keyboards character sets
- FIX: Fixed bug with text shaders
- FIX: Fix problem with loading message window causing crash at shutdown - HorizonsUILoadWindow.cpp
- FIX: Fixed crash after character creation
- FIX: Tutorial Action Window tutorial not cancelling correctly
- FIX: Work around for for sectors that have swapped X and Y. Regions don't consistently show up
- FIX: Prevent level up effect from playing more than once
- FIX: Lightning Claws Sound Loops over and over
- FIX: Item preview is warped at top and bottom for items
- FIX: Prevent inventory and character windows from being open at start-up to improve load time and prevent occasional log-in trouble.
- FIX: Check underwater condition only when client is loaded.
- FIX: Add real shadow support and introduce optimizations to shadow calculation
- FIX: Recalculate shadows when equipped items changes
- FIX: When in developer mode, always show item primitive_def_id in item details window
- FIX: ModelPreviewSpinRate for item 3D preview rotation in item details.
- FIX: After changing shadow details, display message in chat box that restart is required
- FIX: Ability tab under character doesn't sort level proper
- FIX: Change default of lists so that they are sortable by default
- FIX: Removed maxImageSize pref, as no longer used
- FIX: By default, models are loaded at their best quality, instead of starting low quality.
- FIX: Revisit Graphic Pref defaults and overhaul
- FIX: Resolve crash with clientlookups.def
- FIX: Character hops around after logging in
- FIX: Fixed bug with selection beams color
- FIX: Objects Marked as Developer Only are Visible
- FIX: If deleting storage structure, prompt if items in storage
- FIX: Fixed selectNearestEnemy /sne command.
- FIX: Prevented crash at startup if texture level changed
- FIX: Fixed loading low detail textures.
- FIX: Added function horizonShader::setShadowDarkness(float alpha) to adjust darkness of shadows
- FIX: Reduce shadow darkness
- FIX: UI changes to make plot window permissions easier to understand
- FIX: Fixed double reporting for printProps
- FIX: Initial structure rotation changed to 180'
- FIX: Resource node shaders working proper
- FIX: Transparency not working for bridge
- FIX: Double characters on screen
- FIX: Crash while Terrain Editing
- FIX: Fix for crash with lots of terrain cached
- FIX: PrintProps? truncates very long feedback text (try /printprops)
- FIX: Khutit <-> Dragon FORM Changing
- FIX / FEATURE: Changed to use out of process application which uploads crash dumps.
- FIX: Fixed a few bugs with blob shadows.
- FIX: Crash fix for characters being unload and compositor trying to do work
- FIX: Saving window props if SaveOpened? == false.
- FIX: Fixed bug with the shadow flickers.
- FIX: Remove setting of language for keyboard because it caused problems with non-english keyboards
- FIX: Crash fix for string allocation because of release build compiler optimization
- FIX: Tutorial crash build
- FIX: Adjust chat window layout for improved readability
- FIX: Crash fix in checking ignorePath when loading files.
- FIX: Fixed crash related to terrain editing
- FIX: call InitializeCriticalSection? before the 'decoder' thread started, to ensure of using correct CS state in this thread to avoid crash state.
- FIX: Crash fix when loading vault. line 365: var "m_pPlayer" can be NULL.


- MAINTENANCE: Increase default packet size to 1500 bytes for high and low speed clients - allow transport to negotiate best packet size.


- OPTIMIZATION: Optimize base class for all game objects (TBaseEntity)
- OPTIMIZATION: Refactoring and optimization for class TCharacterEntity
- OPTIMIZATION: Optimize and Convert to STL TVirtualArray
- OPTIMIZATION: In release build all dprintf calls replaced with empty macros.
- OPTIMIZATION: All simple functions marked with inline modifier for basic UI classes.
- OPTIMIZATION: Refactoring and optimization for heavy UI classes.
- OPTIMIZATION: Added sanity checks, removal of double variable assignment, code optimizations
- OPTIMIZATION: Improve speed of structure preview when selecting structure to build
- OPTIMIZATION: Performance optimization for base entities
- OPTIMIZATION: Refactoring and optimizations for terrain classes.

Source : http://community.istaria.com


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