Patch sur Blight du 27/06/12 (Delta 225 et 226)
2 nouveaux patchs ont été appliqués sur le serveur de test, Blight. Pas de nouveau contenu à proprement dit mais comme toujours des ajustements et des correctifs ainsi que le début d'un travail intéressant sur les conflits existants sur les sorts entre eux (certains conflits existant volontairement et d'autre qui n'ont finalement pas lieu d'être). Plus de détails ci-dessous. Par ailleurs, les Live shards devraient recevoir un patch très bientôt, probablement lors de la maintenance prévue demain.
Delta 226:
- Channel Vitae fixed to use the proper drain keyword.
- Dragon Tool Claws now have a Crafting level requirement of 1.
Delta 225:- Enraged Wisps are once again aggressive.
- Noncas Fizzlebot now sells the Master Tinkering Spanner formula.
- Repriced the Expert Tinkering Spanner formula down by 50%.
- Adamantium Tinkering Spanner now has a hoard value.
- Quest "Earn Title: Hooked on Fishin'" now gives the proper emblem.
- Festival foods now give various stat altering effects that last 1 hour each and also share a 30 second recycle on use.
- Raised the skill cap on Tool Claws to 250, 450, 650, 850, and 1050 respectively by tier.
- Prototype Tool Claw has a skill cap of 1150, is now quality of 5, has proper tiered keywords, and cannot be hoarded.
- Boulders, 4 meter now requires 20 Sandstone Blocks and only 6 Dim Essence Spheres.
- Boulders, 6 meter now requires 30 Sandstone Blocks and only 10 Dim Essence Spheres.
- Boulders, 10 meter now requires 45 Sandstone Blocks and only 15 Dim Essence Spheres.
- Bone Arrowhead effect (on the target) is now called Laceration and lasts for 6 seconds, doing 3-5 pierce damage every 2 seconds.
- Rune of Flame effect is now called Burning.
- Quest "Feed. the Famished Miner" now requires you to be level 80 Crafter or Adventurer and has been updated to correctly be a Tier 5 quest (expects Corn Soup and gives Tier 5 potions).
- Malady no longer conflicts with other Blight DoTs, such as Withered State.
- Soul Link, Ethereal Paroxysm, and Ethereal Leech will no longer conflict with Spirit DoTs, such as Stinger.
- Bountiful Ironsilk now has the proper amount of resources for a motherlode node.
- Demon Flurry, Ranged Flurry and Melee Flurry are no longer classified as "Hastes" for effect conflicts, but instead as "Flurries". They will only conflict with one another now.
- Corrected the coin value of Flame Arrows, Ice Arrows, Lightning Arrows and Spirit Arrows (II and III were weighted the same as I).
- Flame Arrows no longer use the damagemod_flame keyword and so will no longer conflict with Flame Attack.
- Master Sunscope formula now requires 1125 skill instead of 1200.
- Fixed quest "What Happened to Ted?" so that directions will appear in final step.
- Added a Tanning Rack to the island between the Islands of Ice and Fire.
- Rhahool's name is now spelled correctly.
- Added tier minimums to Ted's title quests so that players will only be offered them when they qualify.
- Armor of the Watcher now lasts for 300 seconds and cannot be dispelled.
- Updated quest "Manilius' Lost Son" so that instead of "Locate Gaius' Hoard" the quest steps reads "Loot Gaius' Hoard"
- Fixed the water around Elmnic.
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