Dixième anniversaire et patch sur Blight du 02/12/13 (Delta 253)
Sorti initialement sous le nom Horizons - Empire of Istaria le 9 décembre 2003 aux USA (et un mois plus tard en France) et renommé en 2007 sous le titre Istaria - Chronicles of The Gifted lors de l'acquisition par Vrtrium LLC, le jeu fête son dixième anniversaire.
En préparation au nouveautés qui viendront compléter le jeu pour cet anniversaire, un petit patch a été publié sur Blight ainsi qu'une nouvelle version du client qui obtient de nouvelles fonctionnalités et des corrections de bugs.
Blight has been updated to pre-release 385.19. This is a release candidate. If you're testing on Blight and there's an issue - please submit a support ticket or respond on the forums. There's been a number of changes with this client, and a number of internal releases in pursuit of a stable release. At this point, this is a release candidate - so if there's something that's still a bug, please reply to this thread, or submit a support ticket. Your feedback and support of testing is always appreciated.
Client 385.19
- For item previews, fix full list of schools showing up (was being truncated).
- Corrected ocean outline for a plot (coordinates 22536, 21812).
- Cleaned up hedge texture.
- Notepad should prompt to save on exit.
- Replaced image reduce functions with optimized / more robust version (potential crash fix).
- FIX for server admin messages (maintenance shutdown messages) causing client crash.
- Pet UI and functionality.
- Cargo disk shadow.
- Regenerate Dalimond and Aughundell maps (the first of many map updates).
- Add NPC info to map.
- Optimizations / increase robustness of text handling (potential crash fix).
- Fix for failed rendering of sign text on some video cards
- Rely only on local client_lookups file for item names / server no longer sends this message
Delta 253
- Winter Coat and Dragon's Winter Scarf now have their own icons.
- Ahala's Sweet Brew now can be used by paladin, ranger, and reaver schools.
- Minor spelling fixes / punctuation.
8 joliens y jouent, 199 y ont joué.
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