Live patch du 13/12/2016: The Cults
Du nouveau contenu a été déployé sur les serveurs réguliers Chaos et Order. Celui ci a été appliqué en 2 fois, via le patch du 22/11/2016 avec les Delta 288 à 290 et le 13/12/2016 avec les Delta 291 et 292. The Cults est une refonte partielle de Dalimond Bay avec une nouvelle ligne de quêtes. Pour les autres modifications majeurs, on retrouve des ajustements sur les écoles d'aventure de base et le passage des écoles de construction au système d'expérience Primary Skill qui existe déjà pour les Confectionners et les Dragon Lairshapers.
The Cults, partie 2 (13/12/2016, Delta 291 et 292)
Content Summary
- Improvements to the first 10 levels of Druid!
- Biped Construction Schools now use the Primary Skill system!
- Fixes for update "16.2 The Cults"
- Keori in Chiconis is now looking for willing Dragons to deliver a package for him.
- Rift Spirit FORM now caps FlyHeight/FlySpeed at 0 and makes you a proper spirit.
- Dragon's Essence Harvesting Mastery, Quarrying Mastery, Mining Mastery quests have been fixed so the counter will work. It will also prevent the quest completing from across the world (without needing to speak to NPC).
- Focus of Spirit now has a 15s recycle (down from 60s) and does not share a timer with anything.
- Gerix in the city of Kion is now known as BattleMaster Gerix and his tag-line is now "Adventurer Trainer". He also sells basic Tier 1 unteched scales to young Dragons who need a boost.
- Xarinnis in the city of Kion now has a tag-line of "Tradeskill Trainer"
- Avariatus on the island of New Trismus is now known as BattleMaster Avariatus and has a tag-line of "Adventurer Trainer". He also sells basic Tier 1 unteched scales to young Dragons who need a boost.
- Kerian on the island of New Trismus is now known as Kerian the Wise and has a tag-line of "Tradeskill Trainer".
- Resliak on the island of New Trismus is now known as Resliak the Great.
- Denizens of the Rift can no longer be damaged by someone who is not in Rift Spirit Form.
- New decorations and decorative NPCs were added to Chiconis.
- Rift Guardians no longer count as Lesser Epic bosses
- Growth I now recycles every 30 seconds (down from 60), is received at level 5, and gives Greater Growth I while in Green Stance.
- Growth I buff is now known as Lesser Growth I. Both Lesser and Greater Growth I have a duration of 30 seconds (down from 60) and pulse every 5 seconds (down from 6).
- Instant Heal I is now received at level 3
- Green Stance is now received at level 3
- Smash 1 is received at level 1
- Blue Stance is received at level 6
- Nature's Fury now recycles every 60 seconds (down from 90)
- Cloak of Thorns is received at level 8
- Petrify is received at level 6
- Coordinated Lightning Bolt I now recycles every 60 seconds (down from 180)
New Trismus
- Adjustments made to the spawns of wolf, deer, cedar treant saplings, spiders and wild gruoks. Some areas have had more spawns added (treants, wolves, spiders).
- Red Tusks on now has a patrol route instead of a regular spawn, and it no longer stretches over the side of a hill.
- Added two new small brown wolf spawns east of the flax.
- "Blacksmith: Help the Gatherer Gather Wood" has been renamed to "Blacksmith: Help Elenna Gather Wood". Broken step that doesn't recognize the creation of the 5 tree axes has been fixed.
- "Blacksmith: Make Short Work of Short Swords" will now properly accept the 5 Bronze Short Swords and advance the quest.
Spirit Isle
- Spirit Isle Brown Spider Hatchlings are now known as Brown Crawlers
- Quest "Cellardus' Quest: Mage Part II" now refers to Fireball and Magic Shell (instead of Enhanced Flame Bolt and Safety) and Brown Crawlers instead of hatchlings.
- Quest "Cellardus' Quest: Cleric Part II" now refers to Brown Crawlers instead of hatchlings.
- Quest "Cellardus' Quest: Mage Part I" now refers to Magic Shell instead of Safety
- Quest "Cellardus' Quest: Mage Part III" now uses Incinerate instead of Engulf and refers to Fireball instead of Enhanced Flame Bolt.
- Quest "Cellardus' Quest: Scout Part II" now refers to Brown Crawlers instead of hatchlings.
- Quest "Cellardus' Quest: Warrior Part II" now refers to Brown Crawlers instead of hatchlings.
Tazoon Region
- New Rachival, Dalimond, and Chiconis are re-assigned to the City Racial Pads teleporter group.
- Aura of the Forgotten now properly works on Forgotten Souls, not Enraged Souls and Fallen Curates. It also does not cap the total quantity of Recovered Memories at 1, but properly at 12.
- Grave Miasma will now last 5 minutes (up from 2 minutes) and will no longer appear as a pink box on a player's head.
- Cleaned up quest "Pacifying the Angry (Part 2)". The Quest also refers to the High Confessor instead of Senior Confessor
- Attuning to Tishlar now provides feedback.
- Amulet of Scorpus now has an armor crystal icon.
- Ancient Barasavian Charm now lists what it can be applied to and what it conflicts with.
- Cleaned up quest "Avenge the Fallen (Part 5)" and fixed it so that the quest now properly requires completion of quest "Remnants of an Artifact (Part 2)"
- Sigil of Toval is now properly called a Weapon Tech Kit, applies to weapons and claws (instead of armor and scales) and details what it does in its description.
- Depolarized Remnant nodes will now properly give Dull Fragments while on "Remnants of an Artifact (Part 1)" quest. These nodes will no longer give Amber Azulyte crystals nor any resources, unless you are on the quest.
Other Changes and Fixes
- Sshranu in Sslanis is looking for assistants to help him with a new potion formula.
- Deer are now known as Bucks and Does.
- Rend Armor debuff is now known as Rended. Rend Armor I causes a greater reduction in armor while the user is in Green Stance.
- Adjusted the respawn rate and times of Adamantium Golems within the Barrier Vale.
- Son's Shields, Son of Gigaroth's guards, are now significantly taller.
- Commander Jatell now offers the title "Demon Slayer".
- Epic Combat Ally abilities now use a skill value of 1600 (up from 1000) to determine to-hit and damage.
- A number of Bolt (Standard and Improved) spells have had their damage adjusted to be more consistent with other bolt spells within the same tier.
- Incinerate I now causes a greater reduction in flame resistance while the caster is in Blue Stance. Note, the 10% increase in damage while in Red Stance remains as well.
- Updated some of the Jungle Crawler spawns within the Sslanis Jungle
- Scorpions have been given a facelift with ability rebalancing and, for Stygian Scorpions, more health.
- Scorpion Left Pincer attack now recycles every 30 seconds (was 15s).
- Scorpion Tail Stinger attack now recycles every 35 seconds (was 30s).
- Monster-generated poisons now have a much longer duration.
- Blight Poison and Ally Poisons are no longer dispellable
- Poison Bite is now known as Poisonous Bite and has a chance to inflict a Benign Poison instead of a simple DoT
- Root I to VI are now known as Slightly, Partially, Moderately, Greatly, Extremely and Completely Rooted. They can no longer be dispelled (Slightly could not before), last 25 seconds (across the board), but have varying rates at which they will be removed when hit (ranging from 1 to 6 hits and 50 to 800 damage). Note that for now this does not impact other root-like debuffs such as Ice Shackles, Patch of Bramble, Debase, etc.
- Construction schools now use the Primary skill system (this means you will only get XP from creating products that use your finishing skill or from applying resources to structures).
- Master Leather Construction Canvas formula is now for sale by Frig Tallowgar at the Imperial Outpost.
- Oastic Belch now has a 15m range and does nature damage.
- Guardian of Rage in the Fiery Rift no longer counts as a Lesser Epic boss
- Spirit Form, a Spirit Disciple ability, now has a 120s recycle (down from 300s).
- Rhagool and Rhahool now have "Oddities Broker" beneath their name instead of a title
- Two new junk dealers have begun offering their services in Istaria. Kelansu in the city of Kion and Elber Helmsplitter in the outpost of Delgarath.
- Missing water added to ponds east of Pleasant Canyon 232/202
- Flattened a plot at the guild community of Crucita.
- The guild community of Crucita has requisitioned a new outgoing teleport gate.
- Doc Tarrant at the outpost of Delgarath now sells a Master Antidote formula. Superior Antidotes are the only known way of curing a Lethal Poison.
- Weapon Tech Kit: Flaming Weapon will now be usable if either the Warrior or Scout #6 quest on New Trismus is completed
Client and Server Fixes
- Construction Contribute UI
*Slider bar allows click of the arrow to move the amount used by 1 unit (calculates how much you could contribute)
*If tool needed is not equipped, UI shows red lettering for the tool and disables OK button
*If not enough material in inventory, disables OK button
*If resources are added to inventory, auto-calculates new max resources, etc.
*Clicking "Use Novians" recalculates totals and adjusts the slider to the new possibility
- When trying to delete a structure, sometimes the selected structure will shift after clicking the Okay button
- After planning a structure and then clicking the "move" controls, the wrong structure is moved (until you select in the structure in the planned list)
- Disable camera look when plot editing controls are pressed (alt or ctrl)
- If clicking on plot structure, require ctrl and alt keys to rotate / move structure ( so that no confusion with look camera / unintended movement)
The Cults, partie 1 (22/11/2016, Delta 288 à 290)
Content Update Summary
- Lands along the Dalimond Bay coast have seen a flourish of life and an explosion in population. New enemies, friends, stories, and rewards can be found in Tishlar, Desert Shore, and the Tower of Healing.
- Levels 1 to 10 abilities for Clerics, Dragons, Mages, Scouts and Warriors have been tweaked to produce a better new player experience.
The Cults
- The lands along the coast of the Dalimond Bay have undergone some dramatic changes including more growth of trees and more thanks to the continued efforts by the Dryad.
- As a result of this new growth, new monsters and enemies have moved into the regions along the Dalimond Bay. Wolves, spirits, and even more humanoid enemies can be found in these regions.
- Tishlar, Desert Shores Outpost and the Tower of Healing have become more populated as a result of the growth and change. Numerous quests can be obtained from these locations and its residents.
- For those who completed the Vandus Confederation quest line in T2, speak with Micklin Vandus to begin "Vandus Confederation: Unease in Tishlar". Note that this quest is not required to begin the T3 quest series in Tishlar, but it does provide a bridge between the T2 and T3 storylines.
- Master Dryart, the Gatekeeper, is now known as Felnith and has moved south of the teleport gate to a shop. He will offer to attune players to Dryart.
- Bixben Lindnottin is now the Guard-Captain, a member of the NRDF, and will offer to attune players to New Rachival.
- The Dragon spells Ignore Mysticism, Countercheck Primal, and Arcane Refusal now conflict instead of outright overwriting one another.
- Skilts now properly share armor values with greaves instead of chest pieces.
- Exsanguinate now has a 150 second recycle (down from 300).
- Epic Travel Scrolls Box 1 (Sold by Vargas) no longer contains Tower of Healing travel scroll, but instead is replaced with Tower of Summoning scroll.
- Epic Travel Scrolls Box 2 (Sold by Vargas) no longer contains Council of Chambers travel scroll, but instead is replaced with Tower of Bonds scroll.
- Increased the damage bonus on Smash 1 from +3 to +5
- Smash now has a 50% chance of causing "Smashed", a debuff that lasts for 15s and causes -25 crush resistance.
- Instant Heal 1 now heals better while the Cleric is in Green Stance.
- Green Stance is now received by Clerics at level 3 instead of level 5.
- Increased the damage bonus on Power Strike 1 from +5 to +8.
- Power Strike 1 now does 10% more damage in Red Stance (as opposed to simply +5).
- Dispirit FoE and Dispirit Foes no longer reference simply melee attacks as they alter ranged and spell attacks as well.
- Dispirited debuff no longer has a level 10 minimum requirement.
- Claw Strike 1 does 10% more damage in red stance (instead of +5), +8 instead of +5 additional damage
- Bite 1 does 10% additional damage in Red Stance
- Galewind 1 does 10% more damage in Green Stance
- Refreshing Breeze 1 recycles every 60s (down from 90s), heals 10% more while in Blue Stance
- Enhanced Flame Bolt 1 is now known as Fireball.
- Fireball will cause the target to be "Burned" when it hits. While a target is "Burned", Tier 1 Flame spells (Bolt, Strike, BOMB, Spear, Wave) will cause 10% additional damage.
- Safety 1 is now known as Magic Shell.
- Magic Shell 1 now enhances ethereal armor as well as physical armor.
- Engulf 1 is now received at level 5 instead of level 3.
- Blue Stance is now received at level 3 instead of level 5.
- Melee Ward is now known as Androgos' Armor.
- Androgos' Armor now increases physical wards by +17 instead of +11.
- Burnout 1 is now known as Affinity to Flame.
- Burn Armor 1 is now known as Incinerate and gives a debuff called Incinerated.
- Incinerated 1 now reduces flame resistance by -25 instead of -22.
- Incinerate 1 is now received at level 3 instead of level 5.
- Incinerate 1 now does 4-7 flame damage when it hits.
- Increased the damage bonus on Power Shot 1 from +7 to +10.
- Power Shot 1 now does 10% more damage while in red stance (instead of +5)
- Block is now received at level 8 instead of level 3
- Dodge is now received at level 3 instead of level 8
- Long Shot 1 now gives a damage bonus of +7
- Blue Stance is now received at level 3 instead of level 5
- Increased the damage bonus on Power Strike 1 from +5 to +8.
- Power Strike 1 now does 10% more damage in Red Stance (as opposed to simply +5).
- Red Stance is now received at level 3 instead of level 5
- Rend Armor 1 now does +5 additional damage
- Defensive Style now recycles every 30 seconds (down from 90 seconds)
- Minnows in Crystal of Tear Lakes (2 smaller ponds) no longer swim on land.
- Beginner Key and Journeyman Key formulas are now purchased from Tinkerer trainers (instead of Finagle Biggletorque). Beginner costs 3s and Journeyman is 14s. Expert formula continues to be a quest reward from Finagle Biggletorque: Frozen Towers quest.
- Resources: Basic Key Pattern is now 100c (from 375), Advanced Key Pattern is now 200c (from 375) and Complex Key Pattern is 300c (from 375). Key Mold resources can now be purchased from Tinkerer Trainers (no longer sold by Finagle Biggletorque of Delgarath).
- Set T2 Pale, T3 Glowing, T5 Shining and T6 Radiant wisp AI to be like T1 Dim and T4 Bright wisp AI
- Radiant Sources applied to Large Human Tavern are now 2 optimal/3 non-optimal (instead of 1 optimal/2 non-optimal).
- Fixed the description of tech "Statistic: Speed IV"
- Tool Tech Kit: Atta-nuk's Stylus will no longer conflict with other Papermaking or Scribing techniques.
- Round Shield formulas (not Fine) are no longer available from the Formulatron
- Golden Grouper Cargo Disk now has 8,000 bulk capacity
- Formulas sold by NPC's, for regular coin, and marked as attuned are no longer attuned.
- Geleon's Master Scroll Replica is now tradeable (the formula is not) and has a coin/hoard value
- Ice Elementals near Winter Vale will now agro
- Project X is now a level 130 Lesser Epic boss
- Sumaac, the Named Forest Oastic will no longer spawn on Saritova Isle (near Guild Clearport/Yewn). It will continue spawning in Yew Forest.
- Emerald and Peridot Golem spawn quantity on Saritova Island has minor increase.
- Flame and Fire Beetles spawns on Char has been overhauled. Each spawn region will only contain one type of monster and no longer have multiple species mixed. They will progress from Small Flame Beetle, Flame Beetle, Small Fire Beetle to Fire Beetle as you travel from DeSokul to southwestern section of the fiery areas.
- Small Ice Beetle and Ice Beetle spawns in Mahagra Tundra has been overhauled. Small Ice and regular Ice Beetles no longer share spawns. There are dedicated spawns for Small Ice Beetles and regular Ice Beetles (near Frozen Lodge). Spawns on Trandalar continue to be mixed small and regular Ice Beetles. Shiktin will only spawn where normal Ice Beetle spawns.
- Obsidian Boulder Golems spawn quantities has a minor increase.
- Obsidian Golems are no longer cross linked to more than one region.
- Adamantium Golem spawn quantity and timers slightly adjusted.
- Undead Warriors on New Trismus are now known as Raiders and Pillagers.
- Undead on the road to the Minor Anchor on New Trismus now have more consistent spawn quantities and rates.
- Undead near the camp also have more consistent spawn quantities and rates.
- Weaker Saris Ghosts no longer spawn near the Minor Anchor.
- Forgotton Souls are now Forgotten Souls
- Myloc Harbringer Heart is now known as Myloc Harbinger Heart
- Myloc Harbringer Claw is now known as Myloc Harbinger Claw
- Adamantium Golem drops have been alligned with the loot system
- Adjusted the spawn rate of Ul'zilgat Fyakki in the Eastern Deadlands
- Evolved Fyakki now have a whirlwind attack
- Ul'Zilgat Broodmasters now spawn amongst the other Ul'Zilgat Fyakki
- 'Unsung Hero: Need A Hero' now refers to the Major Blight Anchor rather than a Greater Blight Anchor.
- Various quests have received more fixes in their text.
- Cedar Treant Seed Cone, used in the Withered Bane quest, now stacks.
- Updated quest "Joggler Snimms: Bonding the Blades" to have list of items needed in step 15.
- "Breath of Acid: Thunder Underground" now asks for a Brachine Beetle Membrane rather than a Brachina Beetle Gland Membrane.
- Quest - "Kalas: Haunt in the Attic" is now correctly handed out by Mayor Clause instead of Kalas.
- Quest - "Kalas: A Tale for the Present" - Broken link in chat dialogue fixed.
- Attunement: Winter Vale now gives proper feedback.
- Fixed a broken chat link in quest "Traditions of Gnomekindle"
- Quest "Town Marshall: Thinning the Crowd" now refers to the New Rachival Town Marshall, rather than Mahagra and points players at the new location for Jasper golems.
- Quest "Go Bag 5 Citrine Golem Gemstones" refers to the correct location for Citrine Golems
- Quest "Dragon Healing Expert: Defeat Dramentus the Citrine Golem" now refers to the updated location for Dramentus.
- Quest "Drain Strike V: Battle in the Desert" updated to refer to the new location for Aquamarine Golems.
- Quest "Town Marshall: Color Blind" now refers to the New Rachival Town Marshall, rather than Mahagra and points players at the new location for Aquamarine Golems.
- Dimensional Pocket IX: Deliver Supplies to the Guards will now properly prevent the use of teleporters. The 45 minute timer now works correctly.
- Trials of the Gifted: Test of Endurance - The item given ‘Weight of the World' now has a very large bulk 15,000 that will overburden you and slow you down as intended. The very high bulk also prevents clever players from putting it on a cargo disk (highest possible disk is 13,500).
- Avariatus' Quest: Claw Up The Local Spiders now refers to Brown Spiders rather than Brown Spider Hatchlings
- Spirit Isle School Quests
*"Cellardus' Quest: Cleric Part II" and "Cellardus' Quest: Cleric Part III" both refer to Smash instead of Instant Heal
*Minor wording changes to "Cleric's Quest 1: Display your Clerical Skills!"
*Cellardus' Part 4 quests now require you to be level 1 in your respective school (Mage, Cleric, Scout or Warrior).
*"Cellardus' Quest: Mage Part III" now refers to Engulf instead of Burn Armor.
- New Trismus School Quests
*"Warrior's Quest 1: Prove your fighting skills!" now refers to Charge instead of Negate Attack.
*"Warrior's Quest 6: Coordination against Beetles" is now known as "Warrior's Quest 6: Critical Help" and refers to Critical Strike instead of Coordinated Strike.
*"Cleric's Quest 6: Coordination Against Beetles" is now known as "Cleric's Quest 6: Protecting Others" and refers to Protectorate instead of Coordinated Strike.
*"Scout's Quest 6: Coordination Against Beetles" is now known as "Scout's Quest 6: Seeking Beetles" and refers to Heart-Seeker instead of Coordinated Shot.
- Various races have received fixes in their emote text
- Flax no longer spawns north of Lakes of Crystal Tears on Lesser Aradoth (206/231). Flax spawns were previously linked to spawns near Kion Clothworking Center. Spawn quantities in this area has been adjusted slightly.
- Furniture Additions/Upgrades (Thanks Tilithia)
*Elemental Towers (Cleric, Nature, Sorcery, Spirit, Wizard).
*Player structures - Vaults
*Player structures - Barn
*Player structures - Consigners
*Player structures - Pawn Brokers
*Player structures - Small Houses
*Player structures - Medium Houses
*Player structures - Large Houses
*Player structures - Stores
*Player structures - Taverns
- Date Trees, Cedar Trees and Deer can now be found near the guild community of Immons
- Guild: Immons has acquired a teleport gate and has had a few plots resized.
- Resized plots in Mia's Edge and Dikaina
- Desert's Edge now has an outgoing portal
- Desert's Edge, Dryart, Tishlar, and Sanctuary Bay are now all linked to a Tazoon Region portal group that starts/ends with Bristugo
- The Tower of Healing now has a destination pad and shrine
8 joliens y jouent, 199 y ont joué.
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