Patch sur Blight du 14/09/2023 (Delta 316.3)
La refonte des calculs pour le système de combat poursuit son chemin avec ce nouveau patch pour le serveur de test. Les points les plus importants sont le changements du système de vitesse d'action (delay) et d'esquive de type spécifiques de dommages (wards). Quelques changements également sur certains sorts et la probabilité de retirer un malus est maintenant plus généreuse.
Delay Changes
As part of the ongoing combat overhaul, delay associated with ability or spell use has been overhauled. The old style of % modifiers to delay has been replaced with three attributes that can be boosted that contribute individually to generate a calculated reduction in delay. Those new attributes are: Martial Alacrity, Magical Alacrity and Gathering Alacrity.
Items across the game have been updated to boost one or more of these new attributes. Those changes include:
- Gift of Alacrity and Primal Alacrity now boost Martial/Magical Alacrity by 50 to 300 by tier.
- New biped spells: Gifts of Harvest:
*These boost Gathering Alacrity by 50 to 300 by tier. They don't conflict with Gift of Alacrity and Primal Alacrity bonuses, but they do conflict with Primal Harvest ones.
.Beginner Scholar and Spellcrafter trainers Aminah, Erelald, Geleon the Wise, Izad, Kesh, Leah Attanbar, Minisa Albrath now have Beginner Spell: Gift of Harvest for sale.
.Journeyman Spellcrafter trainers Eirik Ingisson, Kateos, Kwenya, Rondo Wisecraft now have Journeyman Spell: Gift of Harvest for sale.
.Expert Spellcrafter trainer Hameth Fireborn now has Expert Spell: Gift of Harvest for sale.
- New Dragon spells: Primal Harvest:
*These boost Gathering Alacrity by 50 to 300 by tier. They don't conflict with Gift of Alacrity and Primal Alacrity bonuses, but they do conflict with Gift of Harvest ones.
.Dragon Crafter trainers Xarrinis and Resiata now have Beginner Spell: Primal Harvest to sell.
.Dragon Crafter trainers Resiata and Queriata, and Journeyman Spellcrafter trainers Eirik Ingisson, Kateos, Kwenya, Rondo Wisecraft now have Journeyman Spell: Primal Harvest for sale.
.Dragon Crafter trainer Queriata and Expert Spellcrafter trainer Hameth Fireborn now have Expert Spell: Primal Harvest for sale.
- New biped scrolls:
*These provide Gift of Harvest bonuses without needing Augmentation skill. They don't conflict with Gift of Alacrity and Primal Alacrity bonuses, but they do conflict with Primal Harvest ones.
*They have been included into existing Gift Scrolls formulas.
- Improved Berserk Rage now boosts Martial Alacrity.
- Enraged (from Berserk Rage) now boosts Martial Alacrity.
- Overburdened, from Matter Bolt, now reduces Martial Alacrity.
- Fatigued (from Berserk Rage) now reduces Martial Alacrity.
- Frozen Solid (from Frosty Maelstrom) no longer modifies alacrity (or delay).
- Energize I and II (from the Ranger ability, Energize) is now known as Energized and boost martial alacrity.
- Combat Stance: Alerted now boosts martial and magical alacrity.
- Gnomian Prowess now boosts martial and magical alacrity as well as Gathering Alacrity and will stack with other delay mods.
- Heroism now boosts martial alacrity.
- Gummy Power now boosts martial alacrity and Gathering Alacrity and will stack with other delay mods.
- New Rachival's Blessing now boosts martial and magical alacrity as well as Gathering Alacrity and will stack with other delay mods.
- Rapid Fire Posture now boosts martial alacrity.
- The Wolf's Blessing will now boost martial and magical alacrity.
- Spirit of the Northlands now boosts martial alacrity
- Static Aura effect now boosts martial alacrity and will stack with other hastes.
- Unbridled Energy now boosts martial alacrity and will stack with other hastes.
- Banner of the Tempest effect (all tiers) now boosts martial alacrity
- Dark Tiger Style now boosts martial alacrity
- Primalist's Power now boosts martial and magical alacrity.
- Avaraldo's Alacrity now boosts martial and magical alacrity
- The Queen's Siphon now boosts gathering alacrity
- The Fangs of Fury now boosts martial alacrity
- The Primal Rage now boosts magical alacrity
- Master Dragon Crafter's Head Scale now boosts gathering alacrity
- Dimensional Apparatus now boosts gathering alacrity
- Surtheim-Infused Fiery Mining Pick now boosts gathering alacrity
- Flowing Water (from Glimmel Lake items) now boosts martial alacrity
- Defensive Dragon Claws now reduce martial and magical alacrity
- Master Crafter's Cargo Gloves now boosts gathering alacrity
- Crystal Azulars, Crystal Beetle, and Eilafi, pets no longer modify delay of any type.
- Light Skala pets now boost martial and magical alacrity.
- Helian Head Scale of the Ancients now boosts magical alacrity.
- Lunus Head Scale of the Ancients now boosts martial alacrity.
- Demoralized (Blood Drain debuff) now reduces martial and magical alacrity.
- Trinket buff, Alyssa's Touch, now boosts magical alacrity.
- Trinket buff, Brobbet's Burst, now boosts gathering alacrity.
- Trinket buff, Galderos' Flurry, now boosts martial alacrity.
- Trinket buff, Hastened, now boosts martial, magical and gathering alacrity.
- Giant Daze (from Half-giant ability Giant Daze) is now known as Dazed and reduces martial and magical alacrity.
- Slowed (from Ki Strike) now reduces martial and magical alacrity.
- Lacerations (from Tearing Blades) will no longer impact delay (or alacrity).
- Ice Breath (from Dragon's Ice Breath) is now known as Icebound and reduces martial alacrity.
- Hamstrung (debuff) now reduces martial alacrity.
- Disconcert (debuff) now reduces martial alacrity.
- Staggered I and II (debuffs) now reduce magical and martial alacrity.
- Encouraged (buff from Crystalshaper inspire) now boosts martial and magical alacrity.
- Terrorized (debuff from Crystalshaper inspirE) now reduces martial and magical alacrity.
- Fractures (debuffs from the Dragon Tail Whip add-on) now reduce martial and magical alacrity.
- Lungs Strike (from Monk ability) is now known as Winded and reduces martial and magical alacrity.
- Wracked (from ability) now reduces martial alacrity.
- Chaos Shield (from Silvane) now reduces martial and magical alacrity when equipped.
- Daunting Mist (debuff) now reduces martial and magical alacrity.
- Debase (debuff) now reduces martial and magical alacrity.
- Shocked I to VI (debuff) now reduces martial alacrity.
- Slow I to VI (debuff) now reduces martial and magical alacrity.
- Blighted Weapon Delay techniques for Melee and Spells have been converted to increase martial and magical alacrity.
- Deadly Blow (monster debuff) is now known as Staggered
- Greater Aura of Ice effect (monster debuff) is now known as Frigid
- Lesser Aura of Ice effect (monster debuff) is now known as Chilled
- The following monster debuffs now increase both martial and magical alacrity:
*Barmaid Sting, Frosty Fingers, Ambience of Inhibition, Emanation of Inhibition, Slightly Decayed, Moderately Decayed, Greatly Decayed, Frigid, Chilled, Confused, and Discouraged.
- The following monster debuffs now increase only martial alacrity: Staggered
Ward ItemsAs part of the combat overhaul, wards were given an increased impact and now are directly factored into the dodge calculation (You can read more about this in the combat overhaul overview). Like the change to resistances, wards have been simplified into four types: Physical, Arcane, Mystical and Ethereal.
The following changes have been made to update content for these new ward types:- Spells:
*Soul Elusiveness spells increase Ethereal Ward. They only conflict with themselves.
.Beginner Spellcrafter trainers Aminah, Izad and Minisa Albrath have the Beginner formulas for sale.
.Journeyman Spellcrafter trainers Eirik Ingisson, Kateos, Kwenya, Rondo Wisecraft have the Journeyman formulas for sale.
.Expert Spell: Soul Elusiveness has been added to treasure tables.
- Potions:
*Mirkaendal's Soul Elusiveness Potions increase Ethereal Ward. They only conflict with themselves.
.Beginner Alchemist trainers Haron Bubblepop, Aaric Morgan and Ssharnu now have the new Beginner Mirkaendal's Soul Elusiveness Potion formula for sale.
.Journeyman Alchemist trainers Gard Brownbottle, Alkabiades and Morrigan now have the new Journeyman Mirkaendal's Soul Elusiveness Potion formula for sale.
.Expert Mirkaendal's Soul Elusiveness Potion had been added to treasure tables.
*Dragon Crystalshaper crystals:
.Crystals of The Conqueror's Screen increase Physical Ward. They only conflict with themselves.
.Crystals of Korat's Screen increase Arcane Ward. They only conflict with themselves.
.Crystals of Kal'enas' Screen increase Mystical Ward. They only conflict with themselves.
.Crystals of Mirmaylth's Screen increase Ethereal Ward. They only conflict with themselves.
.Formulas have been added to Aratanosh in the Fiery Rift.
Spell ChangesContinuing the spell improvements started in the last delta, the recycle and casting times of damage causing spells have been altered and include:
- Immolate recycles every 15s (down from 30s)
- Withered State recycles every 15s (down from 45s)
- Mystic Blaze recycles every 15s (down from 30s)
- Stone Fist recycles every 30s (down from 60s)
- Thunder recycles every 30s (up from 15s)
- Flame Spear recycles every 30s (down from 60s) and has a casting time of 50 (down from 70)
- Energy Bomb, Ice Bomb, and Flame Bomb recycle every 30s (up from 15s)
- Burning Hands recycles every 30s (down from 45s) and has a casting time of 45 (down from 48)
- Ice Hammer recycles every 30s (down from 60s) and has a casting time of 40 (down from 70)
- Lightning Storm recycles every 30s (up from 15s)
- Stinging Cold recycles every 30s (down from 120s)
- Ethereal Paroxysm recycles every 30s (down from 60s)
- Lightning Blast, Fiery Strike and Primal Lightning Blast recycle every 25s (down from 60s)
Dispel ChangesThe dispel system has been updated after receiving feedback from the community. The new dispel chances and table are as follows:
- 4 tiers or more above: Automatic Failure
- 3 tiers above: 25% chance
- 2 tiers above: 50% chance
- 1 tier above : 75% chance
- Same tier or below: Automatic Success
Accuracy Changes- Accuracy bonuses and maluses have been converted to the new system.
Other Changes- Cleaned up technique resource descriptions of obsolete Resistance and Ward techniques.
- Adventure: Unarmed II now requires Forest Skulk Shaman Mettles instead of Frost Beetle Carapaces.
- Monster Incorporeal will now reduce damage and make the user harder to hit for any damage type from weapons (melee or ranged) except Ethereal damage.
- Typos fixed in Collect Soul Fragments ability description.
- Demonic Fury now properly converts melee attacks to Ethereal damage.
- Claw Strike abilities descriptions now mention Conqueror Stance instead of Offensive Stance for their damage bonus.
- Dragon's Gift no longer mentions that it gives Magic Evasion.
- Flask of Distilled Acid, Flask of Distilled Cold, Flask of Distilled Fire and now can only be used by Dragon Adventurer school.
- Damage is more consistent for Drain Bolt across all tiers (near Prime Bolt and Improved Prime Bolt). Healing % is now 25% for all tiers.
- Tech Kits changes:
*Weapon Tech Kit: Bite of the Sun has been renamed to Weapon and Claw Tech Kit: Bite of the Sun.
*Weapon Tech Kit: Bone Seeker has been renamed to Weapon and Claw Tech Kit: Bone Seeker.
*Weapon Tech Kit: Frozen Weapon has been renamed to Weapon and Claw Tech Kit: Frozen Weapon.
*Armor Tech Kit: Memento of Gallith has been renamed to Armor and Scale Tech Kit: Memento of Gallith.
*Claw Tech Kit: Soul of Kimak Torin has been renamed to Dragon Claw Tech Kit: Soul of Kimak Torin.
*Dragon Claw Tech Kit: Verdean-Tipped can now be applied on Tool Claws.
- Detoxify Self II (a tier 4 dispel) is now gained by Druid and Blood Mage at level 56, Monk at 57, Shaman and Guardian at 66.
- Detoxify Self III (a tier 6 dispel) is now gained by Druid and Blood Mage at level 86, Monk at 87, Shaman and Guardian at 96.
- Detoxify Other II (a Tier 6 dispel) is now gained by Druid at level 88 and Blood Mage at level 94.
- Defy Nature abilities now properly reduce accuracy of incoming Nature attacks.
- Fixed Chef Shisheroth's "The Master Cooking Knife formula" links in his dialogues (only one was working properly). This story should be easier to read now.
- Updated the following bonuses descriptions to precise they will fade if the related equipment is unequipped (change from Gifted Beginnings content):
*CombataBot Fury.
*Dark Tiger Style.
*Ebbe'it's Immunity.
*Medibot Regeneration.
*Might of Istaria's Army.
*SpellaBot Fury.
- Health changes
*Warrior now gains 25 points of health per level
*Berserker, Chaos Warrior, Knight of Creation, Paladin, Reaver, and Spearman now gain 24 points per level
*Cleric and Guardian now gain 23 points per level
*Scout, BattleMage, Crossbowman, Druid, Elemental Archer, Flame Disciple, Ice Disciple, Monk, Ranger, Shaman, Spirit Disciple, and Storm Disciple now gain 22 points per level
*Mage and Healer now gain 20 points per level
*Conjurer and Sorcerer now gain 19 points per level
*Bloodmage and Wizard now gain 18 points per level
*Spiritist now gains 17 points per level
- In the quest: "Cleric Training 6: Set Your Stance", Acolyte Miry now properly tells players to use Combat Stance: Attuned instead of Combat Stance: Focused to increase heal with Instant Heal abilities.
- Imperial Mender Theodore no longer states that he sells cure supplies as he doesn't.
- Ghent Flaskshaper no longer sells Expert Dekalis' Soul Shield Potion. Formula has been added to treasure tables instead.
- Expert Spell: Primal Alacrity is no longer dropped, but sold at Dragon Crafter trainer Queriata and Expert Spellcrafter trainer Hameth Fireborn instead.
- Adjusted the social behavior of Forest Skulks - Chieftains, Elders, Shaman, and the Hunt-Master will now ask for assistance, but not give it. All other Forest Skulks will give assistance, but not ask for it.
- Various "Hedges" plot items are now named "Hedge" as is proper for a singular hedge.
- Tower of Healing quests changes:
*In the quest "Avenge the Fallen (Part 5)", Senior Prelate Voltish now keeps the Pulsing Fragment found by players to prevent losing it until the quest "Remnants of an Artifact (Part 3)".
*Pulsing Fragment now has a better icon.
- Gather Bonuses descriptions are now more clear.
- Deranged Priests can no longer cast Improved Revitalize.
- Quest "How Gnomekindle Came to Be" :
*Is now preceded by "Lore:" and is now quest type lore.
*Fixed strange structure of the quest / use of channels.
*Player is now properly awarded a Hot Cocoa. The Quest had problems with dependencies and would cut off too soon. However, the quest is now also on a 10 minute timer so that player cannot get an easy supply of Hot Cocoa.
- Fixed strange occlusion in Cleric Tower Base so it is easier to enter the building
- Machine of Inhibition now uses abilities specifically tailored to it.
Known Issues- Many monster buffs/debuffs that impact delay have not yet been updated to the new system.
- Most player buffs/debuffs that impacted delay have been converted to use the new alacrity attributes, but if you find any that haven't please let us know.
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